a celebration of human beauty
[Loc] Sonoma County, California, USA

Very sublime...

Thanks very much! Muirina is an exceptional subject to work with.

Love the clean luminous platinum tones you got here DeeKay. She's such a stunner -- really takes my breath away.

Muirina was especially "fighting trim" during our 2019 multi-day session in Sonoma County. She was like a body-builder who trims down to minimal fat right before a major competition. This was one of the first indoor images I shot of her, on a morning with rather heavy fog on the river. It turned out to be a fav for me overall. As you remarked at the time, "the shoot that keeps on giving" was an apt description; the results were quite satisfying.

Excellent! Love the lighting and the contrasts.

Thank you! This is one I was quite pleased with... simple, letting the viewer have no distractions while appreciating Muirina Fae's beauty. 🙏👍

Beautiful work!! Just added this to the homepage banner rotation. Thanks for sharing!

You are most welcome! I much appreciate you showing my image(s) on the banner.

Hey Dave, thanks for adding this image (of wonderful Canadian model Muirina Fae) to your Favorites gallery. She is top-notch, for sure!

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