about Muirina Fae
Czech-Canadian pro travelling art nude model. I’ve been modelling since 2008, and have modelled all over the world including Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, Alberta, Japan, Hawaii, Indonesia, Czech Republic, India, Washington state, Oregon, California, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Utah, and Massachusetts, and am constantly adding to the list :)
You have a beautifully comprehensive portfolio. Your dynamic range and flawless beauty is truly an inspiration. Keep up the outstanding work!
Thank you for choosing my image for your portfolio....👍
amazing model
Incredible fine art model and artist. LMK when you are in the PNW again!
What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!
Great portfolio!
So wonderful to see your lovely work. I hope all is well my friend. :)
What a powerful portfolio! Truly inspiring work!
I am SOOO happy that I have been able to work with you (and, more than once). The resultant images include some of my favorites of all-time (over my multi-decades of shooting). Your modeling is truly exceptional! 🙌🙌🙏🙏
Great model, and so very fun to work with!
One of the best things about living in Victoria is getting a chance to work with you once in a while. Thanks for sharing your portfolio. You have the moves, beauty, and creative mind.