Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

The Abandoned Dream

Artist / Photographer
Inspiration, things I want to shoot, places I want to find, ideas I want to try. What the inside of my head looks like, my vibe of a lifetime-... more
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The Abandoned Dream



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The Abandoned Dream

about The Abandoned Dream


Inspiration, things I want to shoot, places I want to find, ideas I want to try. What the inside of my head looks like, my vibe of a lifetime- Unknown
There are alot of things in this world that can capture your eye. Draw your attention. Even tickle your curiosity. In the few years that I have been exploring photography I have come to realize what it is I would like to contribute to this world of art.
I find that the human form is a source of media just like any other that is out there. There are many forms of expressions, feelings, words and emotions that can be portrayed. Some that happen at a blink of a eye. if your not careful you might miss quite a few. Thats the beauty of photography, it captures those moments that we express so that we can enjoy them for times to come.
I like to capture the human form in it's most rawest shape. I admire the nude form, because it doesn't limit you.


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  • Great work. Thanks for helping me find (and follow) your efforts as a result of you having added a couple of my images to your galleries. "Emotional" fits several of your works as well. I'll comment on one particular image that especially spoke to me from within your portfolio. Enjoy the day!

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • You have an enchanting page, so many images you could spend time contemplating...

  • I discovered your work about two years ago, and it continues to influence and inspire my own. To this day, it is still one of the most poetic, haunting and beautiful portfolios I have ever seen. Thank you!

  • Beautiful Portfolio :-) I love it!

  • Your work is absolutely stunning. Hopefully, our creative paths will cross soon.

  • Thank you so much for the kind words and confidence in me! Thank you for renewing my passion and keeping me inspired :)

  • Beautiful work. I love the timeless classic feeling of your photography and creative use of contrast. I really enjoy how you were able to capture, beauty, sensuality and playfulness all at once... Very talented indeed. Sometimes less is more, and your monochrome/ black and white skill allows the true beauty of the entire image to be taken as a whole.. Amazing, thank you for sharing your obvious talent here.

  • Very many thanks for the follow - it's much appreciated! I think we have similar philosophies - I love your work. It really feels like your images are deeply connected to the world in which we live. Your models have also done a stunning job!

  • Such a beautiful and intimate approach to the human form.

  • Very beautiful mystical quality

  • It's about time, eh?
    I swear, every time I try to sign up for a new media site, I get a rejection, because I've already connected my email, I just managed to not follow through with the entire process, and have to begin all over ;)

  • Such beautiful photos. Glad to be connected!

  • Beautiful work! Lovely images! Thanks so much for the follow.

  • Thanks, same to you. Lovely work here.

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