Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Hello! Thank you for viewing my profile and taking the time to learn a little about me! My name is Chelsea. I am originally from Ashland Ohio, but moved to Florida to further my... more
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Chelsea Jo



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Chelsea Jo

about Chelsea Jo


Hello! Thank you for viewing my profile and taking the time to learn a little about me!

My name is Chelsea. I am originally from Ashland Ohio, but moved to Florida to further my modeling career. I am a former gymnast and cheerleader that is passionate about fitness, and that’s what got me into modeling.

I currently reside in Punta Gorda Florida, I travel to Ohio to see family every other month, where I shoot almost every day I am there.

I am currently modeling for individual photographers. I am available for photo shoots in Florida, but available to travel to other destinations in US with prior heads up and accommodations.

Type of Shoots that interest me

I'm open to different kinds of shoots and creative ideas. Of most importance to me is mutual respect and professionalism. 

I am petite at 5' 6" and 107 lbs and have a look that enables me to portray a broad age range. I am very fit, have long hair natural brunette, colored bayalage to blond, brown eyes, long natural lashes, and tanned skin.

I do have 3 tattoos of which i have make up to cover them up if need be ; all small in size (One on foot, one on back between shoulder blades (tasteful Celtic cross) and the last on my hip.

I have minimal piercings including: simple single ear piercings, tragus (ear piercing) and belly button. All which can be removed if necessary for a shoot. 

As I mentioned I’m very into fitness and much stronger than I look; so I have no problem climbing trees, rocks, rubble, buildings, ledges, getting in the water or whatever it takes to get "THAT" shot. 

I enjoy nature and love shooting outside,
I also enjoy fashion, studio and creative/unique work. 

I also do implied, fitness, fashion/lifestyle, advertisements, body paint, creative, and more

I have posed and been drawn/painted by numerous artists and will discount my rate for artists who are interested in creating art with me.

Also, I will sometimes release a photo of mine to an artist to draw or paint from so long as they are willing to send me a digital copy of the art once it is finished.

Another passion of mine is creating art nude photography, implied, and boudoir. That said photographers with interests in those categories will need to provide a sample of their previous work to make sure it’s in line with what interests me. I also do some erotica and girl/girl. 

Please include the following information when you contact me:

-Location of shoot 
-Paid or Traded assignment (compensation amount if paid) 
-Date, Duration, and Time
-The Use of Images 

$ Compensation $

Reasonable rates for clothed and art nude shots with a two hour minimum. Rates for half and full day shoots can be negotiated. I prefer cash or PayPal.. If its our first time working together, I may require a deposit to confirm booking. Please give me at least 2 days notice if you need to cancel or reschedule.

Don't hesitate to respond even if our rates don't match up... there's always a deal and collab to be made.

TF Shoots

I do "very select" TF shoots with photographers developing art for display or publication that I'd love to contribute to, so if you're working on an artistic idea, please don't hesitate to ask! I'm not currently doing any TF for portfolio development. I will however most times TFP for Publication.  

Thanks for reading my profile and please let me know if we can work together on your project!

I enjoy modeling for the art of it. I enjoy seeing the finished product created from two "artists" one being the photographer the other the model (me). 

For more information and a portfolio of my works, please contact me at

My Website:

Model Mayhem:

Model Society:

Instagram: @ChelseaJoModel

My Facebook modeling page is:


Chelsea Jo
941-268-7811 (text only at first)


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  • Do you ever travel NYC/ NJ area?

  • I always love seeing your work, Chelsea Jo. You are a beautiful model.

  • She flies! Wonderful. Cheers

  • Beautiful work. Such great energy!

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • Breathtaking portfolio! Keep up the outstanding work!

  • Your photos are Captivating, Powerful, Resonate with Incredible Emotion, and Profoundly Beautiful!! Your Portfolio is Amazing, I Love Your Work, You have a follower!! It would be an Honour and Privilege to create with you one day!! I wish you All the Best, and I look forward to seeing more of your Incredible work!!

  • Great work you do. Sadly, I'm in Toronto. if you're ever up this way.

  • You have a huge variety of beautiful innovative work in your portfolio. Well done :)

  • You are a great model. I hope to photograph you one day. Have a happy year.

  • I just joined the model society and have posted alot of our underwater work. You will see a lot of our work posted.

  • Thank you for your comment in my profile! Also, I already looking through your profile and website. I love all of them, that you are so stunning skillful modeling for Fine arts. I already add your name on my list for my project of Fine Arts. I will contacting you soon.

  • A belated thank you for your comment on my profile!!! Your modeling work is incredible, expressive and varied. Maybe our paths will cross someday!

  • Love your work.. lets talk!..

  • I am located in Winchester VA. You might be an excellent subject for my Black Tape Project inspired series as well as other ideas.

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