Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

**Available for tethered/remote photoshoots as well as life art sessions via zoom. Send me a private message for inquiries** I am based in Montreal, Quebec and I have been modeling... more
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Jay Ban



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Jay Ban

about Jay Ban


**Available for tethered/remote photoshoots as well as life art sessions via zoom. Send me a private message for inquiries**
I am based in Montreal, Quebec and I have been modeling for over 7 years now. I love modeling and expressing myself with my body and poses, and I love being able to help photographers bring their concepts and ideas to life. I am also always full of great ideas myself, and I absolutely love working outdoors as a model. I am quite adventurous and will hike, climb, get in cold waters, get covered in bugs, etc for the sake of art. I am very versatile and suitable for many different types of projects and work very well in duos with other models.

~artistic nude, boudoir, glamour, portrait, fashion, bridal, conceptual~


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  • Thanks for the follow. You have a lovely gallery!

  • Vastly enjoyable portfolio!!! Thanks for following... perhaps, we'll collaborate in the next year.

  • Hello, thank you for following. I love your portfolio, your work is outstanding!

  • Thank you for accepting your collaboration in model society

  • Beautiful work, Jay Ban!

  • Increible

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • Thank You! Nice to connect on here, thank you following.

  • Thank you for the follow! Your work is beautifully inspiring!

  • Very nice work here and elsewhere. Good to be following each other for inspiration's sake!

  • Thank you, Jay, for following my work. Your portfolio is really stunning!!

  • Great photos and posing! Congratulations!

  • Thanks for following, much appreciated.

  • Thanks for following. Lovely pfolio of yours as well.

  • Thanks for commenting on my photos. Greatly appreciated and may I say, I love your portfolio as well. So many lovely artistic shots!

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