Model Society

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Model Citizen
Who or what inspires your work/art? Classic nudes. The female human form is endlessly fascinating, and nudes exist on a spectrum from "implied nudes" to "figure nudes" to "artistic... more
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Jack4Photos Model Citizen

about Jack4Photos


Who or what inspires your work/art? Classic nudes. The female human form is endlessly fascinating, and nudes exist on a spectrum from "implied nudes" to "figure nudes" to "artistic nudes" to "erotic nudes" to pornography. I shoot all these categories. I’m not interested in labels; I think they are all artistic-erotic nudes.

Are there any specific subjects that you prefer? Engaging the model in the image

Are there subjects you avoid? Gore

Why did you choose the nude art genre? Love for the female body

Do you do artwork in other genres or other mediums? Photographs of landscapes, street scenes, people, especially while traveling internationally

What is your creative process? I start with a few familiar poses to get to know the model and to see how she moves, then begin shooting the project ideas for which she seems suitable, usually seeking collaboration on using my idea as a base for expressing her ideas.

What techniques do you use? Continuous experimentation with lighting variations: My studio has great natural light and I have 4 strobes preset with a big light box, one umbrella and 2 snoots, so I try to sculpt with the light. Sometimes I use a tripod to force me to use the light in a different way.

What is your favorite project/artwork that you’ve done? A series replicating l’Origine du monde, a painting by the French artist Gustave Courbet in 1866

Do you have a masterpiece? Not yet, I do have one great image that everyone likes

What is your dream project if you had no limitations? A shoot with 5-7 nudes in several outdoor settings around the world

What is your biggest accomplishment so far? To have my own studio and the freedom to shoot whenever I can

What is your professional goal? To enjoy life
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Hopefully still shooting

What is your point of view on art censorship? Nothing makes me more angry than “artistic” censorship for adults. Clearly one should not yell fire in a theatre, so some control on free expression is needed, but when it comes to artistic expression for consenting adults, I can see no legitimate reason for censorship.

Describe your art with 3 words. Artistic-Erotic Nudes

Describe yourself with 3 words. Gentleman, Mentor, Pragmatic


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  • Very lovely work!

  • Welcome to Model Society. Looking forward to seeing more of your work. Let us know if we can help with anything.