Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Model Citizen
Editor and founder of "Images of Nudes", a free community-oriented digital art nude photography magazine. I am a portrait photographer with a passion for glamour and art nude... more
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Stephen Wong



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Stephen Wong Model Citizen

about Stephen Wong


Editor and founder of "Images of Nudes", a free community-oriented digital art nude photography magazine. I am a portrait photographer with a passion for glamour and art nude photography. I'm from Sydney, Australia.


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  • Has been my huge pleasure to pose for you already many times? :-) I will always recommend you to any client or model. You are extremely talented, respectful, reliable, kind and professional in your craft. All the best. Denisa |

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

    • Thank you, Guy. Your images are beautiful and sensual. Love your lighting.

  • Thank you for the image comment!

  • Thanks for the follow, Stephen. Also, as magazines become a thing of the past, I'm really grateful to see you take the lead in creating an accessible alternative, ION Magazine. Really enjoy the contextualized stories in the magazine (mostly missing from the online image platforms).

    • Thank you for your very kind words. I wantexc the magazine to be about sharing and enjoying each other's art and creativity. I didn't want it to be aother photo magazione which talks about the technicalities of the shot. I hope that readers can take inspiration from the magazine.

  • Wow such gorgeous work!

  • Thanks for following me Stephen. Your portfolio is very inspiring. You have the ability to find art everywhere and in everything. I look up to you.

    • Too kind, Greg! You have a beautiful portfolio of images, and your work gives me inspiration.

  • Thank you! I like doing different types of photos. I'm always trying new things.

  • Thank You Ever So Much for Following me, I Really Appreciate that! Your work is Very Impressive, following you back!

  • Thank you for following me...

  • Very impressive body of diverse, high quality images shown here in your port, Stephen... Kudos on both your notable abilities and your choice of images to post. I haven't checked out you magazine yet, but intend to do so. Cheers!

  • Steven you are an amazing artist / photographer and its my pleasure and honour to know you.

    • Too kind, Michael. Thank you. Still learning, and having fun doing it.

  • Good to find you here! Love your magazine and your work!

  • Hello Stephan-

    Thanks for contacting me. I don't see any specific photos that you pick from my portfolio. Are you looking for submissions? If so, I think I could put together a few photos that haven't ever been published.

    Yesterday give me the word and how you would want photos submitted.

    Thanks for your interest.

    Neil Jacobson.

    • Hi Neil, I would love to have you submit your images to my magazine. Have a look at the website You can download past and current issues for free. The submission guidelines are on the website as well. I hope that you'll consider making a submission.

  • Fabulous portfolio and ION is a great magazine.

    • Thank you very much. I'm glad you like the magazine. I hope you'll consider making a submission in 2020. Best wishes.

  • love your youpic portfolio...especially "floor exercise" with nymph !!
    Thanks for following my portfolio !!

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