a celebration of human beauty

As much as I love the B&W version, this color version knocks my socks off. Absolute dandy.

After the last couple of years, nothing surprises me anymore. I've learned that most people are crude, and the fine things in life have little interest for them. Art included. Spent a goodly time going over your portfolio today. All 14 pages worth. It was a pleasureful experience. We have shot in some of the same locations over the years. You didn't happen to run across my missing 104mm lens cap on your travels I suppose. Thank you for your contribution to the art world, Philip.

I am rather partial to this myself (the color version). Totally different feel from the B&W. I am so glad you like this image too. I am starting to notice more fine art images being passed by. It seems the more revealing, the more attention the image gets. I hope that's a trend that dies. Even many of the other sites have turned into Playboy and Penthouse mimics. More bawdy, less arty. But appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment in any respect.

Outstanding... Makes me want to travel again and head somewhere with wide open natural views instead of subdivisions. Beautiful work.

Thanks Ray, just saw your comment on this image. Really one of my personal favorites from Utah. What a great state for diversity. Appreciate your kind comments on my images too.

Philip Turner
Model Citizen



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