Model Society

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I am a hobbyist photographer with 10 years experience of photographing models. I seek to produce beautiful and interesting images more
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Richard Maxim



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Richard Maxim

about Richard Maxim


I am a hobbyist photographer with 10 years experience of photographing models. I seek to produce beautiful and interesting images


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  • Such an inspiring portfiio. Beautiful work.

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

    • Thank you Guy. You have some lovely images in your portfolio and some familiar faces amongst your models too!

  • Strong and inspiring portfolio. My compliments, and my thanks for the follow!

  • You have some brilliant imagery in your portfolio here. Especially love the duo images and I am so envious of all the great old architecture and ruins you shoot in! Studio work is exemplary as well. I love that most of my absolute favorite creatives are "hobbyist" photographers. Being a former "pro" is no pedigree for creativity. It just means you get paid to take other peoples pictures for them, as Live Life (here on Model Society) so aptly describes this.

    • Thank you Philip for your kind comments. I owe so much to the brilliant models that I have been lucky enough to work with; as they say, I could never do it without them and their inspired input.

  • Some portfolios are so good that you have to question not only whether you're in the same league as the person who created them...but if you're even playing the same game. Just a stunning collection of work. Once again, I'm left shaking my head knowing I need to either quit or get better!

    • I know that feeling myself when looking at other portfolios. To a point I think it is quite productive to be self critical as it drives us to keep improving.

  • A marvellous portfolio Richard; full of creative images.

  • You have a truly incredible portfolio. Too many stunning and beautiful images to count!

  • Gorgeous portfolio! Also saw one of your images in DODHOs top 100. Congratulations!

    • Many thanks for your kind comments. An interesting top 100 images. Very different styles

  • Love your work Richard... your collaborations with Fawnya are particularly wonderful. I'm envious!

    • Thank you Randall. Sadly Fawnya is not currently modelling so I have lost a model who I regarded as something of a muse

    • Oh! I just messaged you on PP with that question and hadn’t seen this yet. 😢

  • Wonderful variety of vision and technique. Unique model work as well. A worthy portfolio indeed.

  • I enjoyed looking through your portfolio. I really find your scale of the model to the overall image very interesting and intriguing. Best, Eric

    • Thank you Eric. I find getting the balance of the model to the overall image quite challenging at times

  • If this is what your work looks like after two years I can't wait to see what it looks like in the years to come!

    • I need to update my profile!! It is now 5 years so the last 7 recent images represent progress - or otherwise - from the other images. The church ruins was my first proper location shoot having previously confined myself to a studio

  • Exquisitely beautiful work!!

  • Beautiful work. I love the timeless feeling of your photographs and creative use of natural and studio backgrounds. The art you create is beautiful.. Very talented indeed. Sometimes less is more, and your skillful use of Black and white or monochrome allows the true beauty of the entire image to be taken as a whole.. Amazing, thank you for sharing your obvious talent here.

  • Very, very nice.

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