Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Jon LeCoultre

Artist / Photographer
Model Citizen
I am an experienced photographer traveling the world and meeting new people hoping to find the next best photographic experience. I enjoy shooting many different styles of photography... more
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Jon LeCoultre



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Jon LeCoultre Model Citizen

about Jon LeCoultre


I am an experienced photographer traveling the world and meeting new people hoping to find the next best photographic experience. I enjoy shooting many different styles of photography but what I love is working with interesting people and getting to know them personally and through the eye of the lens. What never ceases to amaze me, is the unique and captivating people that I meet along the way.

All images on Model Society are COPYRIGHT of Jon LeCoultre Photography.
Violating copyright law is punishable by fines, plus all associated court & attorneys fees. All of the photographs contained within this web page are provided strictly for your viewing purposes, exclusive to this web page. None of the photographs contained within this web page should not be reproduced, copied, transmitted, altered or projected in any way alone, or with other images, by use of computer or other electronic means, without a prior written and signed licensing contract between you and Jon LeCoultre Photography, and or, written permissions have been given to Model Society to do so through print sales via this website.


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  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • Hi Jon, Lucy here. Looking fwd to the days ahead in Utah :)

    • I had such a great time working with you in al those beautiful places. Together we created some wonderful images and great memories.

  • Great series of images all exemplifying the female form.

  • Lovely work
    Do you have a website ?

    • I maintained one for a few years but it did not seem to get as much traffic as the other forms of Social Media so I took it down. I might revisit this in the future.

  • Enjoyed your outstanding work

  • You have a truly stunning and gorgeous portfolio.

    • Thank you, Im glad you enjoy my work. After looking at your portfolio, all I can say is I paint with my camera because I can't do what you do. Your drawings are really inspiring.

    • Thank you so much! I look forward to seeing more of your work.