Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Little update! My IG account got deleted for inappropriate content so the new one is set to private. If you want to follow me there please message me saying that you found me here... more
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about RedPanda


Little update! My IG account got deleted for inappropriate content so the new one is set to private. If you want to follow me there please message me saying that you found me here :)

I love animals, music, food, and sports.

Hopefully, my work keeps improving and gaining approval of other great artists to collaborate with!

Currently, I mainly do paid gigs, on weekends (I have a fulltime 9-5 job during the week), with an escort and - when the photographer is open to it - my beautiful dog! :D

I'm happy to do anonymous or implied nudes, as long as the photographer agrees per contract to post them in a way to protect my anonymity.

Looking forward to working with you!!
Red Panda


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  • Such a wonderful body of work. I am inspired.

  • Anonymity, even thought it's hard to spell, is a good thing so we're talking in another place. C 230624

  • Wonderful muscle tone and definition. Your love of sports seems to be adding to your beautiful muscle tone.

  • Such an eXceptional "body"of work _ Kudos!!

  • Very sculptural poses, I like this !

    • thank you! We do often try to hit such poses, I'm glad we're being successful!

  • Amazing portfolio of work

  • Very beautiful portfolio. Lovely work!

  • Wow , more than a model you are an Artist!!!

    • Thank you so much, that's such a nice compliment to hear!!!

  • Beautiful, expressive poses. Lovely images.

  • I am interested in working outdoors, full sun. Collaborate for a win-win is suitable and if it's in your interest. Let's work!

  • Stunning physique and imagery. Your collaborations with Rick Jolson are superb. Can't believe I just discovered your work but a great discovery it was! Added several to my favorites gallery.

  • We should discuss future collaborations.

  • Gorgeous portfolio of great artistic work! Thanks for sharing!

  • What a truly profound body of work.

  • You are truly fantastic! Beauty and strength. Come to Hawaii!

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