Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Model Citizen
Hello! I am a Mediterranean model based in the UK. Ballet, karate and taking pictures are part of my everyday life. Ballet: RAD intermediate; Karate/Shindo Jinen Ryo: Brown belt.... more
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Hannah Cleopatra



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Hannah Cleopatra Model Citizen

about Hannah Cleopatra


Hello! I am a Mediterranean model based in the UK.

Ballet, karate and taking pictures are part of my everyday life. Ballet: RAD intermediate; Karate/Shindo Jinen Ryo: Brown belt.

I am big on rich body shapes, long lines and details so I have just taken up contortion classes hoping I can add this to my shooting styles in the near future.

I love taking self portraits, experimenting with edgy angles and pushing boundaries. I also enjoy making short videos and putting an artistic edgy vibe to them.

I love writing my thoughts on quotes or short poems so you may often see some of those as titles for my images.

Thank you for visiting my portfolio, I hope you enjoy my art ☺️


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  • When you want to come Tokyo.

  • I look forward to your trip to NYC.

  • Thanks for reply!

  • I lover your posing skill, if you have chance come to Tokyo.

  • Amazing portfolio and profile. Congrats

  • Stunning portfolio.

  • You’re incredible

  • Love your portfolio, your posing, and of course, your captions! Looking forward to seeing more. And if you're ever in SF... Judging from some of the comments here, you've got enough to build out a US tour! 😉

    • Thank you so much ☺️ hopefully I will get my citizenship papers sorted soon enough 🤞

  • Brilliant work! I could've liked your entire portfolio on Instagram. Would love the opportunity to work with you if you ever travel to the US.

  • Coming to the states any time soon? (NYC)

  • incredible figure study

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • Awesome portfolio!

  • Amazing portfolio! Would love to work with you

  • Such a strong portfolio! Your expressions are on point!

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