Model Society

a celebration of human beauty


Photographer / Artist
Portraiture | Fine Art | Erotic Visual Artist / Photographer I create to remember. I create to forget… Driven by a deep desire to defeat depression, Aldus Different-Breed... more
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about MynameisAldus


Portraiture | Fine Art | Erotic Visual Artist / Photographer

I create to remember. I create to forget…

Driven by a deep desire to defeat depression, Aldus Different-Breed found photography after being medically retired from the Military. Serving almost 12 years with three deployments to Iraq left its toll and Uncle Sam decided they were done with him. Broken, dependent, and in need of an outlet Aldus bought his first camera and since then it has been a love and hate relationship.

I create to remember. I create to forget…

Have you ever had a feeling so strong that you couldn’t shake it; an intense sensation of being whole - almost complete. That’s how I feel when my eye is pressed up against the viewfinder, finger eagerly waiting to press the shutter. My camera becomes a part of me, I become a part of my camera. Everything melts away. No pain. No worries. Just me, my camera, and my subject. And the light, of course. A constant dance between strangers - a ménage à trois - my camera, my subject, the light all coming together to achieve a common goal. Art.

Silly, I know…

But it’s true, I’m happiest behind my camera.

Photography has brought me the best thing in life - love.

If you decide to peruse my portfolio, I am sure you’ll notice that there’s a common denominator. The muse of my life, my wife, Sirena Wren. Without her, there would be no Aldus, for he would have perished long ago - No Cap, as the kids woulds say. Sirena has been a constant light in my cloudy world that has kept me moving forward, no matter how difficult. Without her, I for sure would be lost in the dark. She is a creative force that is still building strength, like a hurricane, she will continue to leave viewers wrecked for ages. With just one glance of an eye and you’ll know she means business. Together, we are a very strong duo… able to find locations and easy fall into creation mode. Two pieces to an enormous puzzle that just fit perfectly.


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  • Wonderful work.

  • Emotional and captivating portfolio!

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • Beautiful portfolio …you have a new fan of your work.

  • Some beautiful work! You have made me follow my heart.

  • Would love to create when I get back to ohio mid october!

  • Thank you for the kind words about my art. You have some really great work here too.

    Thanks again!

  • Beautiful work!!

  • Thank you for your comment on my profile! If you make it to Kansas City, MO feel free to reach out to me to book a shoot!


  • Gorgeous work!

    Beautiful photography.. I love how you capture the simple beauty of the model through use of contrast, creative lighting and pure skill.. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us by posting it here..

  • Intense depictions of the female form.

  • Very cool work! Thank you for liking a few of my images