a celebration of human beauty

I return to your photo. As the murderer returns to the place of crime, they say. I have not read what I wrote the previous time. But it is clear to me that the substance in the photo is in the confidence and comfortable inner welfare that she shows, especially with her smile. That, the smile and a certain insinuating and fine self -confidence in his way of accommodating in the bathtub and looking at the camera, that is, looking at you, reconciles with the human. What gently hits the photo is the fantasy that "something happened there."
Amilcar Moretti
Buenos Aires

Esta imagen me parece particularmente lograda porque me lleva a pensar en Cartier Bresson en "Alicante, España, 1932". Si bien la del maestro francés es una creación más compleja, desbordante de significados y preguntas, equilibrada en sus detalles múltiples, esta fotografía de la chica en la bañera adquiere similares matices de nostalgia, melancolía y poética retro. Es un tema habitual el desnudo femenino en el baño, tal vez desde la famosa pintura de Ingres "El baño turco". Pero en fotografía suele servir a un erotismo vulgar y mainstream, de calendario o revista de hombres, muy alejado de lo expresivo. Aquí, en cambio, hay una expresividad dulcificada y triste, con una mujer común desnuda en su bañera, meditando, dejándose estar. El encuadre se centra en ella y es el rostro el que gana en dramatismo tranquilo y sereno por sobre la suposición de su cuerpo desnudo.

Periodista, fotógrafo. Crítico de cultura.
www. moretticulturaeros.com.ar

This image seems particularly successful to me because it leads me to think of Cartier Bresson in "Alicante, Spain, 1932". Although that of the French master is a more complex creation, overflowing with meanings and questions, balanced in its multiple details, this photograph of the girl in the bathtub takes on similar nuances of nostalgia, melancholy and retro poetics. The female nude in the bathroom is a common subject, perhaps from Ingres's famous painting "The Turkish Bath." But in photography it usually serves a vulgar and mainstream eroticism, of a men's calendar or magazine, very far from the expressive. Here, instead, there is a softened and sad expressiveness, with an ordinary naked woman in her bathtub, meditating, letting herself be. The frame focuses on her and it is the face that wins in calm and serene drama over the assumption of her naked body.

Amilcar Moretti
Buenos Aires
www. moretticulturaeros.com.ar

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