Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

PI Photography

Photographer / Artist
Who we are We are a completely normal 50+ couple that enjoys beauty, esthetics and everything good in life. We are not professional artists but like to express our creativity in... more
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PI Photography



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PI Photography

about PI Photography


Who we are
We are a completely normal 50+ couple that enjoys beauty, esthetics and everything good in life. We are not professional artists but like to express our creativity in various ways. 

How we do it
Currently, we are using ourselves as models. Mostly because we want to explore the concept in our own pace. We are using tripod, DSLR and remote trigger equipment to take our pictures. This is obviously a challenge as we do not know the result until we check the pictures afterwards. But it also allows us to explore different themes without having to engage a photographer everytime we have an idea.

Why we are doing it
We are on a mission to showcase that bodies of all ages are beautiful in their own way. In media and the public space, bodies (and especially nude bodies) are mostly of young people.

But beauty has no age. What we see is often the result of norms and beliefs that only youth is appreciated. Changes are coming but it is slow.


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  • Really enjoyed viewing your work. Very well done. Best to you.

  • Your photos are full of beauty, love and creativity.

    Hälsningar från Lund

  • Beautiful work, I love what you are doing!

  • Thank you for the 'follow'. You have an intriguing portfolio and your teamwork approach to your self portraits is both interesting and worth following. My respect.

    • Thank you! We are new to ModelSociety and all encouragement is very appreciated. We will continue to follow your work as well. Take care.

  • Welcome to Model Society! You portfolio is beautiful. So excited to see what else you create here as part of the community :) Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.