Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Frequent traveller, idyllic locations seeker, fan of aerial, landscape and artistic nude photography, I'm a photographer with over 45 years experience in photographing anything that... more
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Robert L Person



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Robert L Person

about Robert L Person


Frequent traveller, idyllic locations seeker, fan of aerial, landscape and artistic nude photography, I'm a photographer with over 45 years experience in photographing anything that moves or doesn't move! My current love of beauty is artistic nudes. I love the grace and beauty of dancers, ballet, jazz, pole competitors, etc. And always looking for models.

CRLP Industries is seeking females, 18 years of age and over for art nude and/athletic/dance nude still photography portfolio. Experience helpful but not necessary. Compensation $100 to $150 an hour plus travel reimbursement. You will receive a selection of photos from the photo session. Please respond to or 440-725-1948.


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  • Lovely work you have here!

  • Your art is amazing. I could get lost in your photos.

  • Your work is a beautiful celebration of the female form 💓

  • Gorgeous portfolio

  • Thank you for the comment and adding my photo to gallery.

  • Robert - I very much enjoyed seeing the "ballerina" photos you have just posted. Fabulous model -- I have the pleasure of working with her too! - - My Best, David Verzi, The Warren Communications

  • So I see you like your fabric props too! Thanks for the adds of mine to your faves. I also see you've photographed the infamous Poppyseed Dancer. I just finished a shoot with her that went extremely well. Way too many excellent images.

    • Thank you for your comments, Philip! And I see you and I like many of the same models including Anna, Gwen and Sienna Hayes! Nice work yourself !

  • What a marvellous portfolio of varied and creative work - many congratulations!

  • Thanks for the add and pic comment. I'm a big fan of yours.

  • thank you for the attention and commenting, Robert!

  • Robert,
    You are welcome. Keep doing the great work, I like.
    Thank you,

  • Masterful portfolio!

  • Robert,
    you are welcome, like adding your photographs great work of yours.

  • I love your use of background to really bring the beauty of the model to life. I also love the poses and the select camera angles you used. Your talent and skill allow the imagery to really speak to the viewer.. Thank you so much for sharing your obvious talent here..

  • Thank you. I like your work too. Also, good work with Poppyseed Dancer!

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