Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

I always found that it is better for others to say how I am perceived rather than my viewpoint of self. But I will give it a try. I see myself as a shy extravert who wants to share my... more
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Eric Franklin



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Eric Franklin

about Eric Franklin


I always found that it is better for others to say how I am perceived rather than my viewpoint of self. But I will give it a try. I see myself as a shy extravert who wants to share my viewpoint of the world and people thru the images I capture.

In the earlier part of my life I was everything from a father of 3 + 2, a sailor, combat Corpsman, Medical Photographer, Biker (bicycles), Hiker, carpenter and blah blah blah. Some of them I still am and some I will never be again. But now I am a person who chooses to be happy by doing what I have always wanted to do. Photography is something that has always been a part of me. It is my way of interacting with the world and people by sharing how I choose to see it and them. From the beginning of my journey into photography, I have always rejected the path of being like everyone else. I don’t want my images to be like everyone else and I try to find ways to do it without changing a photo into graphic art. I really don’t care what other people are doing. Yes I can and do learn other techniques from people, but I need to do it my way. I think artist feels this way.

As far as the subjects of my work. I shoot what ever captures my interest. And my working with models, I shoot mostly nude/semi nude women. Why? Well the two-part answer is rather simple. First, I find women beautiful. It is that plain and simple. Two, I love capturing a person being who they chose to be during a moment when many people feel the most vulnerable. That moment when people lets go the fear of judgment by others and are themselves, I want to be there to capture that. I can go on and on but why do that. I hope my work says more about me and what I shoot more than my words can ever do.

Well I guess the only thing I can add is that I hope you enjoy my work. If anyone has any opinions of my work, please share it with me. I have thick skin so I can take it. I love what I do will do it until I can’t any more.


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  • Very dark, very irritating work.

  • Love your model mayhem portfolio
    especially the image of Rebecca Lawrence