Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Hello! I am a professional Fine Art model living in Chicago and looking to collaborate with other artists. I also work as an actor and performance artist. I would love to... more
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Whitney Masters



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Whitney Masters

about Whitney Masters



I am a professional Fine Art model living in Chicago and looking to collaborate with other artists.

I also work as an actor and performance artist. I would love to connect with other artists of this variety as well.

I am interested in creating striking and emotive images that evoke interest and change in the viewer. I am not interested in making porn. While I appreciate this aspect of nude photography and respect that field, I am not interested in creating images made for the explicit sexual gratification of the viewer. However, I do think sexuality and sensuality are powerful tools that should be used by visual artists in all fields.

I enjoy pushing the limits in all my work. I love being nude with only my body to express concepts and emotions. And I love working.

So let's work together. Feel free to reach out about anything you are working on. I always book paying gigs first, and then work on TF projects if I have time and with the understanding that I will have an equal amount of creative power as an equal collaborative party.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to creating with you. Happy Shooting!


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  • Very nice body of work.

  • Incredible body of work there. Really great work.

  • Breathtaking portfolio.

  • There are so many powerful, really evocative images here. Your work ethic is evident! Nicely done.

  • My absolute favorite person to work with Wonderfully brilliant creative . I never tire of being able to work with her.

  • It was a real pleasure to work with you remotely recently and I hope we get the opportunity to work together again. You have some beautiful innovative work in your portfolio. Well done :)

  • Beautiful work!!! Definitely look forward to the possibility of us creating together in the future!