Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

I have always appreciated the health & strength of my body yet struggled to be comfortable with the shape of its form. Through the kindness of the photography lens and talented... more
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Inner Essence



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Inner Essence

about Inner Essence


I have always appreciated the health & strength of my body yet struggled to be comfortable with the shape of its form. Through the kindness of the photography lens and talented photographers, I have accepted that my essence has scars, wrinkles, and curves. I honestly believe that exposing the rawness of who I am - flaws & all, will open the door of less critical self-thoughts for those of us grappling with mid-life & self acceptance. We should see beauty in every form. So I am unapologetically embracing that I am imperfectly perfect. My wish for others is to do the same.

“There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty.”
― Steve Maraboli

Kind words by fellow artists:

"A truly expressive model with a great positive spirit making any photo session a delight! A subject who will touch your heart and reward you with great images." - Gary Samson

"A wonderful model and a pleasure to work with." - Peaquad Imagery

"Inner Essence has embraced her being and her song of herself. She's a great model to make enduring, authentic images with. Highly recommended." - Jack Snyder, MM#1562879

"You are showing the world you don't need to be young, skinny, and pretty to be seen as beautiful. I'm proud of you mom." - Petunia, my teenage daughter


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  • Incredible body of work there. Really great work.

  • Really intense, and inspiring, images here. Worth repeated looks.

  • Thank You, Truly, for Following Me! Your photos are Captivating, Powerfully Evocative, and Beautiful Beyond Imagination!! Your Portfolio is Inspiring, I Really Love Your Work, following you back!!

  • Elegant, expressive and very beautiful work.

  • Stunning work. Open, evocative and very present even with some of the more vintage looks. Pleasure to experience your shared vision.

  • Very beautiful portfolio with so much feeling in it :D

    • Thank you. I believe being in front of the lens reflects emotions which we keep to ourselves ... such a sense of freedom.

  • I was struck by your portfolio, great posing and you worked with some great photographers too.. Your bio and photo's remind me of Keith Richards or Johnny Cash: men that grew more beautiful the older they got. It may not be fair to compare you with men, you express more than that: I also see plenty of female strength.....

    • Thank you! I believe that resiliency does not have a gender, and yes, it makes us richer both inside and out. Richards & Cash are great company to be in :-)

  • You project a rare confidence and wisdom that is a pleasure to behold. Thank you for making this world a more beautiful place with your art!

    • I feel fortunate that my path has lead me to a point where my wisdom has allowed me to be kinder to myself and remind others to embrace their full beauty. Thank you kindly for your sweet words xo

    • You're very welcome.

  • Hi check my latest post
    I always look forward to your critique
    love john

  • beautiful portfolio and soul! Love what you are doing

    • Thank you Alice! Aren't we fortunate to express beauty in such a unique form?! I look forward to following your journey xo

  • Beautiful portfolio! I really enjoyed your bio too.

    • We are so fortunate to be part of MS, such a vibrant & supportive community! I look forward to following your journey xo

    • Yes we are, I am very excited to have been accepted. I think I can grow here.

      I look forward to seeing more of your work!

  • Your portfolio is amazing and your writing is just as amazing. You represent what this site is all about. We are not perfect, whatever that is, and here you are, showing the world that you are a work of art, just as you are!
    And kudos to all the talented photographers.

  • Excellent port and excellent verbal expression of your thoughts!

    • Thank you! I so love the supportive and creative vibe of Model Society xo

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