a celebration of human beauty

Self portrait with solitary tree in monochrome

I had visited this tree for landscape work. It sits atop sandstone cliffs overlooking a large lava field. I call it the sentinel tree.

Exceptional! I hated to return to scrolling!

That gave me a big smile! Thanks.

even more amazing! Jung really put his finger on something, Synchronicity happens just so often. I guess we are one big connected herd and maybe on here there is even more connection!

Ha! Synchronicity! I'm just reading a novel called 'All the light we cannot see'! But its a second world war story and not about photography!

One of my favorite books of all time!

As photographers we are all in awe of the gods of light!

Isn't that the truth! It's one reason I also am intrigued with infrared photography, taking shots of light we cannot see.

Wonderful image. Primordial. Almost a prayer to nature. And such form, composition and tones, Super duper work

Thanks for your thoughtful and kind words. This location is really evocative and the lighting there is often full of softly glowing light.

Many thanks. I really appreciate it.

Beautiful work! Just made this today's featured image on the homepage. Thanks for sharing :)

Io Figurativo
Model Citizen



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