a celebration of human beauty

She Could Drag Me Over The Rainbow


Great image - good story about the model, the tree and the gallery too :)

Loving the mix of textures here, and the light has worked a treat. The tree branch in the upper left seems to echo the pose to a degree. Neat work there mate!

The tree branch is a 15-18' diameter tree that washed down river and got hung up as a natural bridge for the really brave people. Hannah crossed it and did a dirty dancing routine to, "Hey Baby, I Want To Know If You'll Be My Girl" on it. I was so amazed I forgot to photograph her dancing over the raging river.

Another fantastic image! I love the contrast of textures and the values are superb. Beautifully done.

Thank you for the visit and comments, Randy. This gal is a paramedic from Alaska and was in Minneapolis for a class. She stopped in at my gallery show during a break and fell in love with the work. Asked me if she might give it a go. From there it was history. Right from the onset she provided me with good poses. Unfortunately, she had to return to Alaska.

You are most welcome. I have worked with some first-time models and it can be challenging but always exciting to show someone their own beauty. Keep up the great work.



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