Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Model Citizen
Mon bonheur en photo, est de m’amuser à capter des scènes, simplement pour le plaisir des yeux et c’est celui-ci que je veux partager. Je n’ai pas de style précis, j’aime simplement... more
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168 favorited images


Yves Dufour



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Yves Dufour Model Citizen

about Yves Dufour


Mon bonheur en photo, est de m’amuser à capter des scènes, simplement pour le plaisir des yeux et c’est celui-ci que je veux partager.
Je n’ai pas de style précis, j’aime simplement capter une image agréable à observer.
My happiness in photography is to have fun capturing scenes, simply for the pleasure of the eyes and this is the one I want to share.
I don't have a specific style, I just like to capture an image that is pleasant to observe.


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  • thank you very much for adding me to your inspirations gallery ... very much apprecciated. btw, i love your portfolio.

  • Thank you for adding my image “Hair” to your Portraits gallery. Your work is magnificent.

  • Thank you for the gallery addition. Seeing how another photographer works with some of my favourite models is nice. Beautiful work.

    • Thank you for your comment, it means a lot to me to be appreciated by a fellow photographer who creates beautiful images.

  • Thanks for adding my photo to your gallery.

  • Merci Claude pour votre ajout dans votre galerie

  • Thanks for your comment!

  • thanks for the addition my friend !

  • What a gorgeous set of images. Very envious:) @guycarnegie

    • Thank you and I return the compliment because your gallery is also beautiful.

  • Thank you for including my work in your galleries. Happy New Year!

  • Thank you for adding my images to your gallery :)

  • Thanks again I love the selections in your Gallery

  • Yves, Tom Hartwell writing. Thank you for adding one of my photos to your gallery. I appreciate your doing so. I've had a look through your portfolio here and your website. Great work... And of course, I'm jealous of you, Montreal is one of my favorite cities. We travel there (and Quebec City) frequently... tom

  • Thanks!

  • It was a pleasure working with Yves. He is professional, friendly, and respectful. I recommend him!

    C'était un plaisir de travailler avec Yves. Il est professionnel, sympathique et respectueux. Je le recommande!

  • Thank you for adding my image to your gallery!!

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