about Wiltedways
I am a multi-published conceptual art photographer focusing on the use of abandoned locations. I am always looking to collaborate with models and other photographers who are drawn to my style of art. If you are someone who creates for the sake of art itself please reach out if you are or are planning to be in my area! Thank you for taking a moment to check out my portfolio.
love your style, great concepts
Beautiful images and thanks for your comment! I'd love to work together when I'm in the area this November xo
Thnx for your comment, love your port too
Thank you! 🙏
Thanks for the message, I really enjoy your work!
Very much appreciated! 🙏
Love your work - creative, expressive and thought provoking!
Thank you so much for the kind words! 🙏🙏
Thank you for the kind words on my portfolio! I love the concepts you're creating in abandoned spaces.
My pleasure! Thank you so much for checking out my art!
Great work! Would love to collaborate with you sometime!
I'm sending you a private message so we can discuss further. Thanks
Welcome to Model Society! You have a lovely portfolio. So excited to see how you branch out into the community :) We're here to help if you need anything along the way.
Thank you so much! I'm delighted to make more friends in the community and appreciate this platform and the work you put in to help artists. 😁 Truly means so much!
Looking forward to seeing what we can create!
I'm beyond excited! Glad to link on here :)
I’m a huge fan of Urbex! Love your work!
Thank you so much! Your art is so stunning!