A lot of things in this gallery are concepts that I have tried in the past but not been 100% successful with. Things I would like to try again with better preparation etc.
You've chosen some of my all-time favorites for this gallery. "Pure Platinum" with Ali Claire is a personal favorite. And "In The Beginning" was such a fortunate location to find. Many thanks again for your support and choices.
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Stunning art collection!
Beautiful collection! Just added it as one of this week's featured galleries on the homepage. Thanks for putting this together :)
Thank you for adding me to such an interesting and inspiring collection.
Thank you for adding some of my images to your wonderful gallery. 🙏🏼
Thank you for posting them
Thank you for adding my image "The Conversation" to this very interesting and eclectic gallery!
Thank you,
A lot of things in this gallery are concepts that I have tried in the past but not been 100% successful with. Things I would like to try again with better preparation etc.
Thank you for adding my photo of Keira Grant to your cool work gallery.
thank u for the addition of lovely VikTory and poppyseed dancer to ur wonderfully curated gallery
Thank you for adding my photo of Vivian Cove to the gallery.
You've chosen some of my all-time favorites for this gallery. "Pure Platinum" with Ali Claire is a personal favorite. And "In The Beginning" was such a fortunate location to find. Many thanks again for your support and choices.
Thanks for adding my image to this interesting gallery!
Thanks 🙏