Model Society

a celebration of human beauty


A gallery curated by Wendy Garfinkel

43 photos | 2145 views | 10 Comments


mike cosplay photo by photographer visions dt

Photographer: Visions DT

artistic nude tattoos photo by photographer camilo sarti

Photographer: Camilo Sarti

dans l atelier artistic nude photo by photographer visions daniel thibault

Photographer: Visions DT

jacob with purple fabric and hat artistic nude photo by photographer david clifton strawn

Photographer: David Clifton-Strawn

taping the conversation Artistic Nude Photo by Photographer humon photography

Photographer: humon photography

Artistic Nude Studio Lighting Photo by Photographer humon photography

Photographer: humon photography

artistic nude erotic photo by photographer john mark clum

Photographer: JOHN MARK CLUM

tristan ii artistic nude photo by photographer jbdi

Photographer: JBDI

Model: TristanDT

* Vintage Style Artwork by Photographer Damian Hovhannisyan

Photographer: Damian Hovhannisyan

back Artistic Nude Photo by Model Lars

Model: Lars

by the sea by joakim hertze artistic nude photo by model lars

Model: Lars

strength Artistic Nude Photo by Model Lars

Model: Lars

satyr thinking artistic nude photo by model a stepan

Model: A.Stepan

Artistic Nude Nature Photo by Model SILV

Photographer: humon photography

Model: SILV

Artistic Nude Chiaroscuro Photo by Photographer Axiaelitrix

Photographer: Axiaelitrix

self portrait fall 2019 self portrait photo by photographer retrogradeamnesiaart

Photographer: RetrogradeAmnesiaArt

self portrait fall 2019 implied nude photo by photographer retrogradeamnesiaart

Photographer: RetrogradeAmnesiaArt

male form artistic nude photo by photographer art studios huck

Photographer: Art Studios Huck

Model: HB Model

bare torso and jeans chiaroscuro photo by photographer david clifton strawn

Photographer: David Clifton-Strawn

studio lighting portrait photo by photographer kengehring

Photographer: KenGehring

artistic nude erotic photo by photographer kengehring

Photographer: KenGehring

artistic nude sensual photo by photographer kengehring

Photographer: KenGehring

tattoos erotic photo by photographer kengehring

Photographer: KenGehring

artistic nude sensual photo by photographer kengehring

Photographer: KenGehring

artistic nude studio lighting photo by photographer uncoverphoto

Photographer: UncoverPhoto

artistic nude body painting photo by photographer kengehring

Photographer: KenGehring

... Silhouette Artwork by Photographer STEIN

Photographer: STEIN

two feet artistic nude photo by photographer r pedersen

Photographer: R Pedersen

table top 5 artistic nude photo by photographer r pedersen

Photographer: R Pedersen

charles 2022 artistic nude artwork by photographer david clifton strawn

Photographer: David Clifton-Strawn

michael 2021 artistic nude photo by photographer david clifton strawn

Photographer: David Clifton-Strawn

artistic nude studio lighting artwork by photographer cal photography

Photographer: CAL Photography

Artist: Oliver Frost

artistic nude nature photo by photographer woodman chris

Photographer: ChrisWoodman_Photo

anger artistic nude photo by model coma12

Model: Coma12

Abstract Illustration Artistic Nude Photo by Photographer Trey Visions

Photographer: Keitravis Squire

rah photographed july 7 2017 sensual photo by photographer keitravis squire

Photographer: Keitravis Squire

1‑43 of 43


  • Thanks for adding my work to this amazing gallery!

  • Thanks for including my work in your gallery. Much appreciated.

  • Thanks Wendy!
    Having three photos of me qualifying to this set is an honour.
    I want, need to, get back into modelling - my passion that was kind of ruined by the pandemic.

    • Thanks.

      I'm ready but it seems hard to find the entrance. It used to be quite narrow to male models in general and now it seems hard to get contact with local photographers.

    • I'm really looking forward to it and see that my reply about passion may have been unclear. My passion is still massive but the opportunities were affected negatively by the pandemic.

    • My pleasure! I do hope you can find the time to reenter the modeling profession. You have a wonderful portfolio

    • Well what I see if lovely work and thank you for showing your portfolio <3

  • Wendy - I am honored to be selected for your gallery again- particularly when I am dissatisfied with my work and struggling for something fresh...thank you so much.

  • Thanks for adding my self portrait Dickel Night!

  • Thank you so much for including one of my self portraits in this beautiful gallery! Sincerely honored to be included!

  • Thank You So Very Much for including my Self-Portrait Photos in your gallery, it Means The World to Me Coming from You!! It's an Honour to be in this Remarkable and Beautiful Collection of Work!!

    • These are beautiful poses and I encourage you to do more! Plus the quality of the image is wonderful. You are most welcome!!

    • Aww... Thank You Wendy, With All My Heart, that Means More than You'll Ever Know! ❤️️ ❤️️ I can't even begin to express how much your support means to me, Thank You Again!!!!! I haven't stopped, recently I've been doing Duo Self-Portraits with models, if you're interested there are lots in my port.

  • Thank you for adding my work!

  • thank you for adding my work here!

  • Thanks for the inclusion in your gallery!