Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Model Citizen
Fascinated with visual art and expression & movement in dance, my artistic nature began in childhood. I was deeply affected by still images from magazines that spread information about... more
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Wendy Garfinkel



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Wendy Garfinkel Model Citizen

about Wendy Garfinkel


Fascinated with visual art and expression & movement in dance, my artistic nature began in childhood. I was deeply affected by still images from magazines that spread information about the far-off war in Vietnam, the MoMA photography show called The Family of Man by Steichen, the shock of a Diane Arbus monograph as well as fashion photographers Scavullo and Avedon. Growing up in Charleston, SC I was exposed to the fullness and depth of creative possibilities when I saw stage productions during the annual Spoleto Festival. I was hooked when I saw how a photo came to life in a development tray during summer camp for young artists in my junior year of high school at the Atlanta College of Art.

Today I reside in Athens, GA where I have worked steadily in the photography medium since 2014. Before that, I was an award-winning graphic designer for over 20 years. I was educated at RISD, NYU, and University of the Arts. I have always experimented with photography as an art form for many decades prior and today I can devote myself full-time to my artistic efforts


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  • Wonderful body of diverse work, Wendy. Be exciting to chat with you one day. Your images display a perspective more centered around reality and life than most I see these days, and that intrigues me to no end. I have enjoyed going through your portfolio this evening. It was the highlight of my day.

    • Thank you for your kind words of constructive criticism. I appreciate it. This is truly one of the most exciting compliments I have ever received. I am fortunate to have touched you. I looked at your portfolio and I feel it is one of the best I have seen on here in a very long time. I am sincere when I say this. Excellent work. Take care

  • Wonderful portfolio. Very inspirational body of work!

    • Thank you so much Jacob I appreciate the kind words and for taking the time to look through my portfolio <3

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • Your pictures are so sublime and each one makes the emotions go right through the screen, magnificent work!

  • Beautiful and such emotional work.

  • My very sincere thanks for your comments on my work, and for adding to your impressive galleries. Thank you so very much!

  • Thank you for adding my image to one of your galleries. Chris

  • Wow really loved discovering your portfolio :)

    • Yah, I am looking forward to seeing more from you, maybe we will cross paths one day

    • You are so kind Shiva, thank you! I like your work a lot! I have followed you!

  • nice

  • Great gallery by the way!

  • Thank you for including my image of Astrid in your gallery!!

  • Thank you for the follow! You have lovely work 🌸

  • Such lovely work - Happily following your portfolio :)

  • love ur works, poses, settings.....truly in the Art form.

  • What an amazing oeuvre you have Wendy -- envious of all the abandoned places you've found to shoot in and your ability to get creative interesting poses out of your lovely models; Brava!

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