about Wendy Garfinkel
Fascinated with visual art and expression & movement in dance, my artistic nature began in childhood. I was deeply affected by still images from magazines that spread information about the far-off war in Vietnam, the MoMA photography show called The Family of Man by Steichen, the shock of a Diane Arbus monograph as well as fashion photographers Scavullo and Avedon. Growing up in Charleston, SC I was exposed to the fullness and depth of creative possibilities when I saw stage productions during the annual Spoleto Festival. I was hooked when I saw how a photo came to life in a development tray during summer camp for young artists in my junior year of high school at the Atlanta College of Art.
Today I reside in Athens, GA where I have worked steadily in the photography medium since 2014. Before that, I was an award-winning graphic designer for over 20 years. I was educated at RISD, NYU, and University of the Arts. I have always experimented with photography as an art form for many decades prior and today I can devote myself full-time to my artistic efforts
Thank y9u for posting my image of Sienna into your color gallery. Your portfolio is wonderful and I will enjoy following your creations
You are welcome and thank you so much!
Thank you for adding my image “Carlotta I” to your Wide Open Spaces gallery.
You are most welcome!
Your work is something to behold. I love the artistic edge
Thank you Mykel - kind of you to say <3
One of the most superb portfolios on this site!
Thank you so much Kevin. That is high praise. <3
Keep up the great work! It is inspiring!
Thank you so much Kelly Rae!
Wonderful portfolio. Very inspirational body of work!
Thank you so much Jacob I appreciate the kind words and for taking the time to look through my portfolio <3
What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!
Thank you very much Guy! I appreciate you stopping by!
Your pictures are so sublime and each one makes the emotions go right through the screen, magnificent work!
Thank you so much for saying that I really appreciate it!
Beautiful and such emotional work.
I appreciate the kind thoughts <3
Thank you for adding my image to one of your galleries. Chris
You are most welcome!
Wow really loved discovering your portfolio :)
Yah, I am looking forward to seeing more from you, maybe we will cross paths one day
You are so kind Shiva, thank you! I like your work a lot! I have followed you!
Thank you so much!
Great gallery by the way!
Thank you so much!
Thank you for including my image of Astrid in your gallery!!
My pleasure it's a great image!
Thank you for the follow! You have lovely work 🌸
Thank you Sirena - I love your portfolio. I hope to work with you one day.