about WarrenCommunications
PRINTS MAY BE PURCHASED AT: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/1-david-verzi/shophttps://modelfol.io/Warrenphoto?referid=1003202
"The Sciences Make Life Possible, The Arts Make It Worthwhile"
"The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper." -- Eden Phillpotts
Portfolio: "Nude? Naturally!"
Models: Ashley Allen, Shiela Joy, Raven E. French, Nikii, Vera Juliette, Jenna Marie, Mimsey Magic, Kerri Wells, Marzipanned, Jessica Lynn, April Grace, Josée Lanue, Gemma Marie, Laurine Matt, Christiana Ouellette, Uzurael, Bellla Donna, Erica Leigh, Kayla Totten. Melissa Troutt, Keira Grant, Xaina Fairy, Kay, Elina, Ana Ivanova, Jessa Ray Muse, Meghan Claire, Rebecca Lawrence, Madalynn Fae, and Emma Grace.
Portfolio: "Nude? Naturally! Around the House"
Models: Mimsey Magic, Jenna Marie, April Grace, Laurine Matt, Nikii, Josée Lanue, Jessica Lynn, Gemma Marie, Vera Juliette, Bella Donna, Uzurael, Kayla Totten, Melissa Troutt, Erica Leigh, Keira Grant, Kay, Ana Ivanova, Xaina Fairy, Jessa Ray Muse, Meghan Claire, Rebecca Lawrence, Madalynn Fae, and Emma Grace.
"Nude? Naturally!" models have all-natural bodies and wear no makeup. "Nude? Naturally!" images are not photoshopped with regard to naturally occurring elements of the body, often including any incidental scrapes and scratches.
Portfolio: The "Vera Juliette" Portfolio. A special selection of photography with model Vera Juliette.
Portfolio: The "Shiela Joy" Portfolio. A special selection of photography with model Shiela Joy.
All images © David Verzi, The Warren Communications
Casting Call:
Casting Female Models For "Nude? Naturally!" -- 10th Season! -- April to Mid-November, 2025
The Warren Communications is seeking females for the nude, single-subject, still photography portfolio, "Nude? Naturally!". All-natural bodies only. No tattoos or piercings (except single lobe earrings piercing) preferred but flexible. Experience helpful but not necessary. The casting is ongoing. Serious opportunity. Model escorts encouraged and welcome by arrangement. Compensation $100 to $125 per hour. Regional travel and lodging expenses paid. Models receive a selection of photos from their photoshoot. Must be at least 18 to receive comprehensive information/application. Contact: The Warren Communications, Stephentown, New York, at Davidatwarrenwordsphoto@outlook.com or (518) 733-9125.
Stephentown, New York, in Rensselaer County, is located east of Albany, New York, and just west of Williamstown and Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Stephentown is 3 hours north of New York City and 3 hours west of Boston.
Having authored 35 years of broad and successful secular and Christian journalism, David Verzi, 79, is the owner-operator of The Warren Communications, a diverse media company based in Stephentown, New York, which via its “Nude? Naturally!” portfolio offers photographs of the female nude. The company also offers editorial consultation and general photography services. Verzi is a veteran journalist whose features, essays, stories, criticisms, poems, and photography have appeared in numerous publications in the Berkshire-Hudson Valley region of Massachusetts-New York and nationally. In addition, Verzi served as a communications coordinator at the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, MA, and for over ten years was the editor of the Berkshire Jewish Voice in Pittsfield, MA. He is the author of the insightful article, "The Girl Rockwell Gave to Disney" https://www.nrm.org/portfolios/2000s/Spring_2000_complete.pdf
"Nude? Naturally!" photos may be visited at:
I love your approach to capturing natural beauty! Beautiful portfolio.
Thank you so very much! I have the good fortune of working with naturally beautiful and highly talented models.
Amazing work; I'm glad I found them.
Thank you so very much. I have the good fortune of working with highly talented and very lovely amazing models!
Following me, I'm flattered! I now reminded to keep an eye out for your remarkable work.
Of course, it is my pleasure to follow you! I hope that you will continue to enjoy my work which, of course, reflects the talent
of many remarkable models.
Your portraits of mature models are truly congratulatory. You bring them to life in such womanly beauty; as though they were just fell into sight and light. Jenna is truly remarkable.
Thank you so very much for your kind comment. I am very fortunate to work with so many highly talented and lovely models. I am very happy that you like my work with Jenna, a gifted and very beautfiul model indeed!
Fantastic portfolio. Really interesting concepts.
Thank you so very much! I am fortunate to work with highly talented and innovative models!
You show a beautiful collection of natural beauties. Great work.
Thank you so very much-- and, of course, great thanks to my highly talented and lovely models -- and, indeed, to Nature itself!
Love this concept. Brilliant idea, brilliant images. Incredibly inspiring!
Thank you very much for your kind comments ... and always remember that any brilliance starts and ends with highly talented models!
I’m so grateful to know you! Thank you for showing the natural beauty in the world!
Indeed, I am so grateful to know you. Thank you for gracing "Nude? Naturally!", and the world, with your singular talent and surpassing beauty. I can't wait until we work together again!
Thanks for your comment on one of my images ---means a lot coming from such an accomplished photographer such as yourself
Well, thank you so very much -- you are indeed most kind! Please know that I very much enjoy your work!
Your series is wonderful! Great figure studies
Ah, two of my favorite collaborators, one of whom I met through this community!
And thank you for the compliment!
Thank you very much! You are very kind. I very much enjoyed viewing your fine work and I noticed that we have both had the pleasure of working with the very talented models, Keira Grant and Vera Juliette.
Thank you
You are most welcome -- it is a memorable photo! https://modelsociety.com/category-galleries-galleryview-imagedetail.aspx?id=404369&source=Portfolio&containerId=350a5b52-5a86-41fc-8092-955c1b43216d
Beautiful images and what a great concept "Nude? Naturally!" is!
Thank you very much for your kind words! My models supply the talent and the beauty, and, of course, there is God to thank for "Nude? Naturally!".
I'm glad you like Jenna. I share your sentiment
Thanks for your comment.
From the moment I arrived to the time I departed, David made me feel right at home. His hospitality was unmatched and our shoot was relaxing as well as fun! We've already made plans to shoot again and I am sincerely looking forward to it! Thank you, David! I had a great time!
Yes, a wonderful model, a wonderful day, and a wonderful shoot. Thank you Xaina!
You excel at capturing a natural beauty!
Thank you very much. On your website, it was our pleasure to message you regarding our current casting opportunity.
Very much looking forward to hearing from you!
Thank you so very much ...and the pleasure was indeed all mine!
Thank you! I will contact you soon!
Was an absolute pleasure to meet and work with you!