Montreal based artist photographer. Artsy, dark, romantic, theatrical, dramatic, I love Fine art nude, portrait, and creative projects. Open to collabs, let's laugh and learn together....
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Montreal based artist photographer. Artsy, dark, romantic, theatrical, dramatic, I love Fine art nude, portrait, and creative projects. Open to collabs, let's laugh and learn together.
Your portraiture has a moody and magical quality, your locations have an air or mysteriousness, your lighting is unique and dynamic, and you have a knack for storytelling. I dig your vibe!
Thank you very much! I appreciate. 45 years ago, I had a wish. That my pictures look like classical paintings. Little by little, I think I'm succeeding. I hope my english is good. :)
Thank you for your kind words about our photos. At the same time, I want to thank you for opening my eyes to your portfolio. Beautiful portraits and fantastic nudes.
Welcome to Model Society! You have a beautiful portfolio that I enjoyed viewing. I want to encourage you to stay inspired and keep creating. The world is a much better place with art!
Welcome to Model Society! Your portfolio is beautiful. Can't wait to see how you branch out here in the community :) We're here to help if you need anything along the way.
Save images in private galleries as you discover the best figurative fine art in the world.
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Thank you for adding my work to your gallery!
Your portraiture has a moody and magical quality, your locations have an air or mysteriousness, your lighting is unique and dynamic, and you have a knack for storytelling. I dig your vibe!
Thank you very much! I appreciate. 45 years ago, I had a wish. That my pictures look like classical paintings. Little by little, I think I'm succeeding. I hope my english is good. :)
Very nice portfolio
Merci beaucoup! Si jamais vous passez par le Québec, j'aimerais bien collaborer avec vous!
Thank you for your kind words about our photos. At the same time, I want to thank you for opening my eyes to your portfolio. Beautiful portraits and fantastic nudes.
Thank you for adding my image to your gallery!
Thank you very much for adding my images to your portfolio. His portfolio is impressive. Really beautiful work!
Such a stunning portfolio. Really beautiful work!
Thank you very much, Guy!
Welcome to Model Society! You have a beautiful portfolio that I enjoyed viewing. I want to encourage you to stay inspired and keep creating. The world is a much better place with art!
Best Regards, Tim :)
Thank you very much, it's appreciated!
Many thanks for adding the image. I hope all is well.
Lovely work! So dreamy!
Thank you very much! :)
Bonjour, j'aime beaucoup votre travail, grandes émotions.
Merci beaucoup! Vous avez aussi un superbe portefolio!
Hi Daniel, beautiful work here. Thanks for the follow and the add!
What a stunningly beautiful and captivating portfolio. My highest compliments to you and the lovely women you've created with.
Thank you very much! :)
Welcome to Model Society! Your portfolio is beautiful. Can't wait to see how you branch out here in the community :) We're here to help if you need anything along the way.
Thank you very much! :)