about Tom F.
Now 59 year old Photographer based in Munich... i had Exhibitions, and publications in Volo Vault , Skyn Magazine and some Pictures in Booklets/Books of Bands like SAGA, KariBow and Sainted Sinners. Currently i have 5 Nude Photo Books on Sale available on Amazon The White Nudes....
Worked with Models from Germany, Poland, Ukrain, Russia, Sweden, England , Czech, Slovakia , Spain, and USA...
Hope you like my works....
Really nicely done!!
What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!
Gorgeous work here--glad to see you on Model Society.
You have a truly gorgeous and beautiful portfolio.
Danke Tom dass Du mir hier nun folgst. Habe mich wirklich sehr gefreut. Deine Photographien sind super und für mich eine grosse Inspiration!
Thank you Tom for following me here now. I was really happy. Your photos are great and a great inspiration for me!
Thx Eddy... i love your work also... the models you work with and your view of them...
Schöne Arbeiten bei Dir. Teils auch mir bekannte Models und bekannte Locations ;-) Gruß in die Nachbarschaft, Jürgen
Thank you for your follow ! you have some lovely work too !!!
Happy to follow you and your amazing portfolio ! Stefano
Fantastic portfolio !!!
Thanks a lot, took me some time but was worth it
Enjoy your portfolio very much, Tom. Love to see quality work like this. The octopus is over the top.
Thanks for following. You have some lovely work. Exactly the style I like.
Welcome to Model Society! Your portfolio is beautiful. Can't wait to see how you branch out into the community :) Let us know if we can help with anything along the way.