Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Model Citizen
The world needs more beauty - revealed. While some consider art only as forms of abstractions of objects / subjects which elicit provocation (what a presumptuous stance), I... more
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The Instant of Light



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The Instant of Light Model Citizen

about The Instant of Light


The world needs more beauty - revealed.

While some consider art only as forms of abstractions of objects / subjects which elicit provocation (what a presumptuous stance), I consider art as a means of helping us to survive emotionally, physically, and psychologically in a world which is mostly “given or presented” to us, into which we have been thrown in the most existentialist form and which we shape with every word we say or any action we take as we are a deeply social species. I try to discover and transport the beauty as I see it existing in the world around me, nota bene, my interpretation of beauty and the world.

As such I like to elicit a sense of joy and calm fascination, a feeling of delight and maybe slight voyeurism in the sense of “being caught” by a certain “lust” of wanting to be present in a scene – “I wish I could have been there”.

Timeless and tasteful, or modern and messy, capturing the light is everything! Its elusive quality can transform a figure or a landscape in an instant.

In my photographs I strive to convey that feeling of the instance by capturing the fleeting magic of light and my and the subject´s feel for the moment.


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  • Truly beautiful and stunning work!

  • Thanks for the add to your gallery!

  • Fantastic studio work, excellent use of light and tone. Thanks for all the gallery additions, and it looks like we're both are fascinated by Kate.

  • Welcome to Model Society! You have a beautiful portfolio. Looking forward to seeing what you create here with the community :) We're here to help if you need anything.

    • thank you - I m very happy to start contributing - this is an extraordinary environment, really dedicated to high quality art. Thank you for making this possible! Need to join now as a citizen :)