about the iMage Shack
• ... ©MStraussermy name is Mike, below is some general info ....... thanks for reading the iMage Shack
.......I am a part time semi professional photographer for now located in Moss Bluff which is just north of Lake Charles and I-10 ...................
I have my own style and flair .... we will discuss in detail where our minds would like to take the shoot but in the end be aware it will reflect my creativity ......... I let my shoots take me where my creativity sees it ........... it will reflect my imagination and creativity .........
...... . . “You cannot photograph as perfectly as the viewer can imagine.”
-------“ LEAVE SOMETHING TO THE IMAGINATION ” ----------------------------------------
It is all about the shot !!!!!!
Wonderful portrait work, very skilled, your talent allows the models true beauty to shine through the canvas and speak to the viewer..
Thank you for your comp on my image; it's one of my favs as well. You have a wonderful port as well. I am also on MM #2449464 (SamanthaL24)