Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

The irregular, the unconventional and unpredictable interest me. My most successful images are about ambivalence, emotion, mood and mystery. I try to seek thoughtful, expressive and... more
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silverline images



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silverline images

about silverline images


The irregular, the unconventional and unpredictable interest me.

My most successful images are about ambivalence, emotion, mood and mystery. I try to seek thoughtful, expressive and artistic individuals with whom to work. I'm thrilled when serendipity and whimsy find a way into our shoots. When things go well, each shoot is a creative adventure between model and photographer. This is what I strive for, and I hope my model will too.

For more than a decade I was a Trustee of Camera Work, a member managed, photography cooperative which operated a studio in Boston for 42 years, before disbanding in late 2019.

I divide my time between Boston & Cape Cod where we own a second home. For the past few years, we've spent the month of March in southwest Florida.

For thirteen seasons I was the production photographer for the award-winning Zeitgeist Stage Company, an avant-garde theater group located at the Boston Center for the Arts in the South End. Their final performance was In April 2019.


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  • Very nice work!

  • Thanks for following me... I like your work...


  • Interesting work

  • Interesting work, and thank you for your comment

  • Very natural

  • Ha! You found me before I could write! I guess I'm shadowing you again!


  • I wandered through your portfolio and I love the way you create your pictures!

  • Richard,
    Thank you for the photograph comment very much appreciated.
    Thank you

  • I love your use of background to really bring the beauty of the model to life. I also love the select camera angles you used. Sometimes less is more and removing color can really allow the canvas to speak to the viewer; wonderful job.. Your talent and skill allow the imagery to really speak to the viewer.. Thank you so much for sharing your obvious talent here.

  • Thanks for your kind words. That was a test shot for a wet plate image which will be scanned later. Hope you are well and I continue to enjoy watching your journey xo

  • Both me and my wife are happy and proud to read all your nice words about our work. It makes us eager to continue to create images. Thank you very mutch.

  • Thanks for following me. 😄

  • Finally...thank you for the steering me here

  • You are welcome, liking you work keep doing it and I will be adding more,

  • Beautiful work, nice range and scope.

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