Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Rick Gordon

Photographer / Artist
Model Citizen
I'm a photographer/videographer with over 25 years of experience shooting for various magazines and websites. I'm not sure where my work stacks up in the overall pantheon of the biz,... more
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Rick Gordon



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Rick Gordon Model Citizen

about Rick Gordon


I'm a photographer/videographer with over 25 years of experience shooting for various magazines and websites. I'm not sure where my work stacks up in the overall pantheon of the biz, as there are a bazillion other shooters out there I AM in awe of, but I love what I do, and always turn out good publishable images with every shoot! As they say here in the Southland, "Even a blind squirrel will find the occasional nut!" Gotta admit, I am quite partial when it comes to my nuts!! ;^)

I have won numerous awards from Showcase and Nude Image of the Day on OMP, to Pic of the Day on MM, to Pic of the Day images on Model Insider, to Pic of the Month and Member of the Month on I Studio. So, I guess I have a bit of talent. ;^)

If you like the work within this portfolio, credit the wonderful, beautiful women I've had the good fortune to have worked with over the years. If you don't, then the blame is entirely mine 'cause they ROCK!

My specialties are artistic nude, bathing suit, lingerie, glamour/glamour nude, erotic, and fetish. I'm ALWAYS looking to work with models for my various paying clients as well as content trade/TFCD for specific projects!! Likewise, I have many producer friends here in South Florida and can readily assist a model looking for paid projects.


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  • lovely works

  • Your love and passion for the art really shines. @guycarnegie

  • It was a pleasure to work with you Rick!

  • Outstanding gallery of work!!! Happy to have found you again!!

    • I haven't gone anywhere and have been following your page for quite a while, so I'm confuzzled. Thx for the sentiment however! ;)

  • Really wonderful portfolio

    • Thank you! All credit goes to the models. Without them all I'm shooting is landscapes and backdrops, ya know? I like your work as well. There are a couple I recognize from or IG. Small world, eh?

  • too modest! if you ever get to Raleigh, the beer & BBQ are on me!

  • Great shooting -

    • Thanks. The models are the stars. I just push that button thingy! ;)

  • I love your work. You clearly have an understanding of how to combine landscape beauty and female beauty to create stunning imagery. I look forward to seeing more!

    • Thankyou for your gracious comment. It's nice when one's efforts, and that of the model's is appreciated!

  • Congratulations Rick. You have a wonderful portfolio, full of beautiful and creative work.

    • Thank you. I credit all the wonderful women I have had the fortune to have been able to work with. They're the stars. Without them all I'm shooting is back drops and landscapes. ;)

  • Love your tumblr girls !!

    • They'll ALL be gone by 12-17. Bumblr f*cked up big time!

    • It is a shame that tumblr has made such a nipples...outrageous

  • Beautiful imagery.. Speaks to the soul..

  • I'm still not impressed with the site's general lack of activity or networking. They've done little to improve this over the past few years. Ah well, maybe someday.......

  • Sounds good! Thanks for the add!

  • I'm back! Miss me? ;) I'm hoping that the networking has improved on the site.

  • Rockin port!! I would so love to work together should I make it down your way!! Where there's a will, there's a way..... Thank you for your comments on my images, as well!!

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