Model Society

a celebration of human beauty


Photographer / Artist
Model Citizen
Photographer since 1981. First national cover: 1986. Completion of my first film .... 2011. "Windows" (Script about a model) ... more
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Richinw Model Citizen

about Richinw


Photographer since 1981. First national cover: 1986. Completion of my first film .... 2011. "Windows" (Script about a model)

Upon entering the final phase of my life I look forward to a short new beginning. I have recently moved to North/West New Jersey in a town called Phillipsburg, right across the border of Penn.

I would like to post a message about hosting. I few decades ago I hosted several models from other countries who were coming to the states to try out getting exposure, pay, and experience in the Big Apple.

Hosting is where I co-ordinate a stay in my home for a period of time where the model will have time to schedule her shoots and have transportation with chaperoning to her appointments. I will have the opportunity shoot on her blank days and she will also not have to worry about pick up and driving to and from the Airport.

It's a considerable savings if one has no friends or family in the NYC area. So if anyone needs hosting in my area and the idea interests you we need to establish communication on all the details and get to know each other. Facetime is a good start. Look forward to any discussions on the idea.

Break a leg peeps.

P.S. Very interested in Model/Actresses. Please review my web-site thoroughly. Let's get rolling.


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  • I'll be back in NYC March 6-10 if you were still interested in working together - thank you for the tag on my page!

  • Thank you for the image add to your gallery!

  • Thank you for adding the veiled image of Sienna into your gallery. I would love you yo follow my work if you would like… Thanks

  • No plans at the moment but if anything changes I will most certainly let you know, Your profile is stunning!

  • Thank you for the gallery add. I love your portfolio.

  • Enjoyed viewing your work... well done.

  • amazing portfolio
    love the lighting and the composition of the photos

  • To all models coming to NYC. Please let me know the dates and times you are coming. Include month day and year. Also send me an email at

  • Thanks for selecting the shower picture. Of all the other times done with a different model, this model got it done.

  • please contact me on instagram @soycarlaponte

  • Yes I am... If you have Instagram I'm more active there. @rayvenrjackson

  • I'll be in NYC next from 21-24th. Let me know if any of these days work for you.

  • Give me art or give me death ... literally.

  • Hi!
    I will be in NYC from the 14th to the 17th.
    Let me know if you're interested in working together!

    • Good possibility. Please email me at

  • Many models do not know that when they print an image it becomes more powerful.