Model Society

a celebration of human beauty


Artist / Photographer
Model Citizen
It is always difficult to talk about oneself. I started to take a very serious interest in photography in 2018, going from discovery to discovery, I moved towards portraiture and... more
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Rémy SOIME Model Citizen

about Rémy SOIME


It is always difficult to talk about oneself.

I started to take a very serious interest in photography in 2018, going from discovery to discovery, I moved towards portraiture and then particularly towards artistic nudes. Through this, I try to reveal the beauty of bodies, whatever they may be.

Our history, our experiences, what we are is certainly hidden in what we let glimpse. I received cornea transplants in both eyes, my vision remains blurry, I wear rigid lenses, despite this, my vision is no less affected. My goal, to have an unveiled look, you will have understood, it is today my signature.


Il est toujours difficile de parler de soi même.

J'ai commencé à m'interesser de manière très sérieuse à la photographie en 2018, allant de découverte en découverte, je me suis dirigé vers le portrait puis particulièrement vers le nu artistique. Par ce biais, je tente de révéler la beauté des corps, quels qu'ils soient.

Notre histoire, notre vécu, ce que nous sommes se cache certainement dans ce que nous laissons entrevoir. J'ai reçu des greffes de cornées aux deux yeux, ma vision restant floue, je porte des lentilles rigides, malgré cela, ma vision n'en n'est pas moins affectée. Mon objectif, avoir un regard non voilé, vous l'aurez compris, c'est aujourd'hui ma signature.


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  • Thank you for the add

  • Lovely portfolio

  • Such sensitivity in your work!

  • Thank you for including my image of Kathryn to your black and white gallery

  • Beautiful work of yours. I love the different types of humans you work with. Well done.

    • Thank you very much, it's a real pleasure to beautify each person who agrees to pose for me, to play with light and shadows.

  • Thanks for following me! Your portfolio is beautiful!

  • nice work

  • Thank you for the add to your Couleur.


  • Merci pour l'ajout à votre galerie.

  • Vous avez un très beau portfolio, c'est un plaisir de vous voir ici.

    • Merci Matt, je te suis reconnaissant de m'avoir fait connaitre mode society

  • Welcome to Model Society! You have a lovely portfolio. Can't wait to see what else you create with the community :) We're here to help if you need anything along the way.

    • Thank you, I am really very happy to be part of your community, everything I see there is only quality. It is an honor for me to be one of you. I am still in the discovery phase