about Podraskyfineart
Fine Art Nude photographer. Working with the figure in nature, urban and in the studio. I am a graduate from the Kansas City Art Institute with my bachelors degree in fine art photography.See more images on Instagram @podraskyfineart or on my website www.podraskyfineart.com
I have worked with Stephen in a variety of locations and always had a great time! The images turn out incredible and I always feel like a respected collaborator.
I love your portfolio, especially the nudes in nature. Keep up the great work!
Thank you Andrew, Now with summer here I am back out in Nature creating new images.
thank you so much
Very nice work, a lot of sensibility.
Simply natural.
Thank you
Greetings, I too am a Model Society member and want to let you know about a photoshoot I am hosting in Colorado Springs May 25. The shoot site is a fabulous location, Sun Peaks Center for Art and Sustainability, with amazing natural surroundings and equally amazing indoor settings. The genre for the shoot is nude and implied nude. There will be two models, Chelsea Marie and Everyn Darling, from Denver. Both are wonderfully talented and experienced models. The shoot schedule will include two 2-hour shoots with each model. There is a limit of four photographers. The cost is $475 for the day to cover model costs and other expenses. Please let me know if you are interested or if you have any questions. You can also reach me via email: ksmered@msn.com
Thanks, Kurt Meredith (KSM)
thank you so much
Very nice portfolio
finely had time to look at your portfolio that is filled with so many inspirational images .
Thank you. Slowly building more images and hope they continue to inspire.
Outstanding portfolio!
Thank you Jacob
What a beautiful and inspiring portfolio. So many gorgeous and stunning images!
Thank you so much. I really appreciate the wonderful comment.
Welcome to Model Society! You have a beautiful portfolio. Looking forward to seeing what you create here with the community :) We're here to help if you need anything.
wonderful works......look forward to future works.
Thank you, I also look forward to creating more art to post
Love your location work! Welcome to MS!
Thank you