Model Society

a celebration of human beauty


Photographer / Artist
Model Citizen
Over the years I've been improving my skills as a photographer and I now tend to favour sculptural and classical art nude in natural landscapes, but I would like to experiment more -... more
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Photorunner Model Citizen

about Photorunner


Over the years I've been improving my skills as a photographer and I now tend to favour sculptural and classical art nude in natural landscapes, but I would like to experiment more - including things like Low key bodyscapes, bodypainting, and also more real couples images.

I have a love of animals especially horses and dogs, these will be included into shoots wherever possible.

If any of the above concepts sparks your interest and you find yourself in my area or would just like to chat over shoot possibilities - please feel free to message me.


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  • If you ever want a model to shoot with horses, dogs, cats, lions, snakes, crocodiles, anything, count me in. Fellow animal lover and pro animal rights activist here.

    • Hi,
      Unfortunately I'm in the UK, but many thanks for reaching out - it means alot.
      Equines will always be in my soul even though I haven't rode in years.
      I'd love to shoot models with their animals - for those of us who love animals - they will always be part of us.
      If you were in the UK I'd actually love to shoot with you in nature - you have a wonderful earthy presence about you.
      Have a great weekend

  • Incredible body of work there. Really great work. @guycarnegie

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

    • Thank you that's very kind, hoping to put more focus on this folio this year.

  • Holy WOW. Mighty fine, indeed. Grateful for the time you gave the images on my port but now I'm simply honored to receive your recognition after viewing these masterpieces- what stunning & alluring work you've done. Your inclination to lean towards wild form is seen and held deeply, yet one can't quite box-in your signature style...which is enjoyable to see in your widespread collection. A man of many concepts & deliveries- thanks for sharing.

    • Wow - This is very unexpected and I'm delighted that you like my efforts, I'm truly humbled and honoured by your wonderful message - Thank you - very much.
      It's unfortunate that I'm way the other side of the pond from you - if you ever find yourself wanting to explore Wales - do Please - message me.
      I'd love to try that barb wire concept with you... only a much earthier version - as it's highly apparent that's where your soul dreams.
      You have an amazing folio yourself and I adore your look.
      Thanks again for all the kind comments and love left - very much appreciated

    • Sorry for delay, I did check for a couple of days and then it until now.
      I'll reply better tomorrow, I'm froze at the moment -6 tonight. I really meant what I said though - if you find yourself drawn here, I'll be happy to show around the Beacons etc
      night for now brrrrr

    • What a testament that humans often hold back from truly expressing..I guess just different ways of doing so, but word for me is a simple way to say how I've been impacted by such art. Thanks for being open to receiving and sharing right back. "That's where your soul dreams" OOOOOF, my language. I will surely keep this meeting in open manifestation- Wales has been a calling for quite some time. I'm tickled just imagining.

  • Very fine works! And thank you too for the follow and adding two of my photos to your curations. Continue creating beautiful art!

    • Thank you that's very kind of you,
      you have a wonderful folio and it's an honor to include your images.

  • Thank you very much for adding my picture "Silicon Man" to your gallery "Human Canvas"!

  • Thank you for the follow and nice feedback! I have some favorites in your work as well, and will take my time to take a good look.

    • Hi Heidi,
      You're very welcome - I adore your low key images - that's a concept I'd like to do more of, also your love of the outdoors is very much my taste.
      Thank you for adding my studio image to your favorites gallery too - much appreciated

  • Incredible Artistry!!

  • Thank you for adding one of my photo's at your gallery! :-) Beautiful Portfolio!

  • Thank you!

    • You're very welcome, you have a lovely port and it's nice to see someone still shooting with film.

  • Thank you so much for adding one of my images to your gallery!

  • I love how your images are a wonderful balance of nature and beauty. Your obvious talent and skilled use of lighting allow the canvas to come to life and speak to the viewer.. Excellent blend of harmony, beauty and grace.. thank you for sharing your obvious talent..

    • Thank you for such a wonderful comment - The credit should really go to the models involved as I'm sure the images would be bland without the human element.. Please feel free to pick a favourite - Thank you

  • Thanks for the comment! <3

  • Appreciate your comment on my image of Kelsey and thanks for adding it to your gallery

  • beautiful art nudes!

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