Model Society

a celebration of human beauty


Model Citizen
Beginning a move from photographing and capturing images of scenes and architecture and the beauty they can present to the human form and the infinite beauty and wonder that each human... more
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pgl05 Model Citizen

about pgl05


Beginning a move from photographing and capturing images of scenes and architecture and the beauty they can present to the human form and the infinite beauty and wonder that each human presents in their own sacred individuality.

Still learning and willing to learn.


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  • Thank you for your great comments. It is a pleasure to share these moments.

  • Bold, beautiful body of work! Provocative images, vibrant colors! Stunning portfolio!

    • You are very kind, thank you. I'm blessed that wonderful models are happy to work with and mentor me as an amateur.

  • Thanks for the follow. You have a lovely gallery!

    • Thank you, I've been humbled and blessed to work with extraordinary wonderful models.

  • Wow what an amazing amount of color in your portfolio! Each page delivered more and more great portraits of your lovely models! Congrats!

    • Many thanks, you arevery kind. I've been blessed and humbled to ba able to collaborate with great and beautiful people.

  • Awe-inspiring body of work

    • You are very kind - the awe is inspired by the wonderful models I'm humbled to collaborate with and capture—true beauties and always inspiring.

  • Thank You!, I admire your work also!

  • Oh, Sylph and Rachel, there are so many well-known faces here—very nice place.

    • I've been blessed with wonderful, generous and stunning models who are also outstanding people.

  • Thank you for such a positive comment. It keeps me motivated to get more work out there.
    Great looking site you have...beautiful models!

    • Thanks for looking and commenting - much appreciated.

  • Beautiful portfolio.

    • You are very kind, thank you. I am blessed by the beautiful models who are featured and their creativity and grace.

  • If you're still learning you're doing very well indeed - you have a fabulous portfolio here. Keep up the good work - it's beautiful.

    • You are very kind, thank you. I credit the portfolio to all the fabulous and generous models and my trusty Olympus. Best wishes John.

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

    • Wow, very kind. Thank you! I've been blessed with wonderful model muses who enable creativity and always help develop my development.

  • Gorgeous work. Love that you have some muses who clearly inspire your photography!

    • Thank you, my captures are made by the gracious generosity of the most wonderful people who are my multitude of muses.

  • Thank you for the comment. You have wonderful colors and lighting too.

  • Awesome body of work....

    • Thank you for commenting - I've been blessed by magic models.

  • Thank you for your comment !!

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