Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

I shoot film—35mm and 120mm, which I develop and process myself. Except for the generous advice of some accomplished photographers and one black-and-white darkroom class at... more
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Peaquad Imagery



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Peaquad Imagery

about Peaquad Imagery


I shoot film—35mm and 120mm, which I develop and process myself.

Except for the generous advice of some accomplished photographers and one black-and-white darkroom class at Massachusetts College of Art and Design, I'm self-taught, still learning, still experimenting.

Among the many, many photographers whose work inspires me are Judy Dater, Imogen Cunningham, Edward Weston, Bill Brandt, Robert Frank, René Groebli, Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Atget, Brassaï, Tina Modotti, Lee Friedlander, Gary Winogrand, Martin Munkácsi, and Diane Arbus—and of course Henri Cartier-Bresson. I hasten to add that I'm well aware that I'm nowhere near being in their league.


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  • Amazing and beautiful work! The fluid movement of the images, and the choice of models is so well done.

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • Congratulations on your great work. It is so much about gesture and that makes it unique. Thank you for sharing.

  • Love how natural your work is. It just flows.

  • I love your uncomplicated natural images. It's obvious that the contact between you and your wonderful models is as uncomplicated and natural.

  • Thank you for your nice comment on Cassie! She is a great model.

  • Thank you for following my feed:-) You work looks familiar to mr Wayne on flickr :-)

  • Thank you for adding two of our images in your galleries and for your kind comments to two of our other images. It makes us proud.

  • Thanks for your comment on my photo of Tiffany Helms.

  • I will be back in New England in the next few months!

  • Love that you are shooting film still. Image quality is unsurpassed by any digital B&W I have seen. J. Welborn comments on my profile; ".I have made the switch (to digital) but I have failed to produce a single B&W image as good as I could in the darkroom." Your work illustrates that point. Love it!

  • I continue to be moved, motivated, and inspired by your art. So thankful to be able to follow your journey xo

  • I love your ability to call forth beauty out of simplicity. Thank you for capturing and sharing beauty with a world that needs it!

  • Kudos to you for still using film. Your work is exceptional!

  • The sincerity of your work in exploring form and natural light is divine.

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