Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Model Citizen
Paul Blieden is a published photographer whose images have appeared in newspapers, books and magazines. His images have been exhibited in numerous gallery shows, at the Palos Verdes... more
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pblieden Model Citizen

about pblieden


Paul Blieden is a published photographer whose images have appeared in newspapers, books and magazines.

His images have been exhibited in numerous gallery shows, at the Palos Verdes Art Center, Peninsula Art Museum, at the Torrance Art Museum, as well as on the sets of many movies and television programs. Several images were part of an international juried art show in Santa Maria, Columbia called Expoerotika 2015.

He always states that he must acknowledge all the wonderful models he has worked with for without their skills he would be nothing !!

He has curated numerous photography and art shows.

Paul has been a fashion and headshot photographer since 2003. His clientele include actors and models, including those developing their portfolios. His headshot and fashion business is called South Bay on extended hiatus.

Check out his book "The Emerging Goddess"


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  • Glad you like my work, I like yours as well….

  • Thank you for adding mu picture to your gallery !

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • Stunning work throughout...kudos.

  • Great work, Paul

  • Beautiful images in your portfolio.

  • This is a really powerful portfolio, very inspiring. Such a range of images!

  • Phil, thank you for the lovely comments today. I have pretty much stopped do Photography and living in Scotland now. My purpose when I started working with the female nude was to produce a strong body of work. Your comments are very welcome in helping me believe I have achieved that.

  • Strong portfolio, beautiful work throughout.

    • Thank you Dave.
      I have to use the same words to describe your portfolio !!

  • Nice work Paul.

  • Beautiful portfolio you have here! Keep up the great work!

  • Thanks Paul for your comments on my picture. I love your work to.

  • Absolutely beautiful images!! I hope to get the chance to work together sometime! Maybe this fall when I visit california.

  • Paul, you honor and celebrate the models. your rapport is evident, collaborators. This is legacy work.

  • Thank you for thé appriciation of my work. I admire yours.

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