I am a cinematographer in love, love with all categories of cinematography. Yet I always feel the urge to linger. So I work hard to shoot stills when i am not on the move.
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I am a cinematographer in love, love with all categories of cinematography. Yet I always feel the urge to linger. So I work hard to shoot stills when i am not on the move.
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I need to ponder what I am getting at. I am wondering if its the Physical, on one hand that seems so concrete but isn't and the mystical that seems exoteric... but isn't. I like the tension between the two. I am curious about your take on eroticism. I gather your meaning is a physical manifestation of a connection with the spiritual. Is that the case? SOmehow its seems like that doesn't capture everything for you. So many people have so many views. besides the concept means something different to everyone.
I am a cinematographer by trade... free lance. I don't have set schedule... there is a tyranny that. The last few years I am been doing documentaries and have become disillusioned with that whole concept.
I ak both honored and humbled by your suggestion. My intuition of what you are attempting to communicate is this: perhaps aj implicit mysticism is needed to balance the explicit mysticism. A more exoteric component to balance the esoteric, as harmonious complimentary aspects of the whole.
I am indeed interesting in discussing with you the possibilities of a collaboration, and hearing the ideas you have plus giving my interpretation of your ideas. Sort of like a mutual exchange of exponential contemplation and manifestation.
If you would be interested in the possibility of coming to Vermont for a small project, we could certainly talk about this. I am likewise intrigued with your cinematography background, as I have often thought about making small poetic/theatrical monologues that would combine spoken word (my writings) and artistic presentation of my body.
I love the fusion of motion and stillness in your imagery. The tension and release implied in implicit movement is indeed of cinemagraphic quality, as I can hear sound -- both vocal, musical, ambient and wordless sounds of human breathing, sighs, etc -- in your images, rendering a multisensory experience.
Looking at your portfolio I'm struck by the range of perspectives that I see in your work... direct honest portraits alongside dramatic figure studies and more. It has your photography seem like a true exploration.
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Emotive and powerful work Pablo!
Incredible body of work there. Really great work. @guycarnegie
Edgy comes to mind. Unusual angles, light, and emotion. Your portfolio is a visionary delight.
Thank you for you kind words
Such unique beautiful imagery. Would love to work together if you ever find yourself in Florida!
Welcome back! :)
stunning and very finest work
Amazing work!
Stunning work
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I need to ponder what I am getting at. I am wondering if its the Physical, on one hand that seems so concrete but isn't and the mystical that seems exoteric... but isn't. I like the tension between the two.
I am curious about your take on eroticism. I gather your meaning is a physical manifestation of a connection with the spiritual. Is that the case? SOmehow its seems like that doesn't capture everything for you. So many people have so many views. besides the concept means something different to everyone.
I am a cinematographer by trade... free lance. I don't have set schedule... there is a tyranny that. The last few years I am been doing documentaries and have become disillusioned with that whole concept.
Dear Pablo,
I ak both honored and humbled by your suggestion. My intuition of what you are attempting to communicate is this: perhaps aj implicit mysticism is needed to balance the explicit mysticism. A more exoteric component to balance the esoteric, as harmonious complimentary aspects of the whole.
I am indeed interesting in discussing with you the possibilities of a collaboration, and hearing the ideas you have plus giving my interpretation of your ideas. Sort of like a mutual exchange of exponential contemplation and manifestation.
If you would be interested in the possibility of coming to Vermont for a small project, we could certainly talk about this. I am likewise intrigued with your cinematography background, as I have often thought about making small poetic/theatrical monologues that would combine spoken word (my writings) and artistic presentation of my body.
Blessings and Gratitude,
I love the fusion of motion and stillness in your imagery. The tension and release implied in implicit movement is indeed of cinemagraphic quality, as I can hear sound -- both vocal, musical, ambient and wordless sounds of human breathing, sighs, etc -- in your images, rendering a multisensory experience.
Looking at your portfolio I'm struck by the range of perspectives that I see in your work... direct honest portraits alongside dramatic figure studies and more. It has your photography seem like a true exploration.