Hello, I am Ovidiu, a photographer from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. I like to think about myself as a painter with light more than a simple photographer, exploring new creative ways in nude...
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Hello, I am Ovidiu, a photographer from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. I like to think about myself as a painter with light more than a simple photographer, exploring new creative ways in nude art photography
Thank you for your warm welcome. I will post my best works here in the coming days. If I need any help I will contact your team gladly. Thank you again.
Save images in private galleries as you discover the best figurative fine art in the world.
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Pleased to have one of my images added to your excellent gallery, "Beauty nature." Thank you for the honor!
You are most welcome. You have excellent work posted ...
Welcome to Model Society! Your portfolio is wonderful. So excited to see your work here! Let us know if we can help with anything :)
Thank you for your warm welcome. I will post my best works here in the coming days. If I need any help I will contact your team gladly. Thank you again.
Very beautiful and lovely work from you and your incredible models
Thank you very much ... I will post more soon