about mustafa turgut
Photography is a language and a method of communication to me. Form and light are two of the essential elements in the photography I do. Light is what makes each object or place unique to me, and often gives me enough opportunity to abstract. Shape and form also help to solidify the expression. I want the viewer to feel what I feel when I take or make the photograph.
People and their effects are often the main subject of my photographs. My main motive is to interact while working, to try to see what exists beyond the visible. Spaces, backgrounds and the things that are the subject of my photographs (i.e. what is seen) are only aids that reinforce what I am trying to express.
The unconditional honesty that must be present in the frame keeps me away from forced compositions. That's why I spend most of my time looking, searching or thinking while taking or making photographs.
For me, the maturation of the subject, the expression and what I create is the real result, even if it doesn't exist in real life.
interesting portfolio
Yes, thank you.. :)