Fine art photography is a passion that employs painting with light. My goal is to use light to create a photographic work that tells a story and causes the viewer to reflect.
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Fine art photography is a passion that employs painting with light. My goal is to use light to create a photographic work that tells a story and causes the viewer to reflect.
From the heart comes passion which then becomes art.
Wow, what else can I say besides wow.. Amazing work, quite stunning, excellent use of background, creative posing, lighting etc, to create an image that really speaks to the viewer. Sometimes less is more and your mastery of black and white/monochormatic tones really removes the noise that is color sometimes and allows the true beauty of the image to shine through. Thank you for sharing your obvious talent here.
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Wow, what else can I say besides wow.. Amazing work, quite stunning, excellent use of background, creative posing, lighting etc, to create an image that really speaks to the viewer. Sometimes less is more and your mastery of black and white/monochormatic tones really removes the noise that is color sometimes and allows the true beauty of the image to shine through. Thank you for sharing your obvious talent here.
Thank you so much. Likewise, your work is very nice.
Thanks Michael, much appreciated.
Love your work as well.