about mdraeger
Hi, I live in the Munich area in Germany and have enjoyed photography for many years. I have recently intensified my efforts, especially in people photography, and I am very happy to be able to share some images here with the ModelSociety community. Feel free to contact me for collaborations, jobs or other good reasons :-) While I focus on people photography with this account, I also invite you to visit my web page at www.markusdraegerphotography.com for a more complete look at my photography.
You have some very beautiful imagery.
Thank you very much, I find it encouraging to hear that!
Welcome to Model Society! Your portfolio is wonderful!! We can't wait to see what else you create here within the community!! We're always here to help if you need anything along the way :)
Thank you for the kind welcome and the friendly words about my work. I also look forward to finding inspiration among the wonderful creative pictures you bring together!