Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

It isn't about saying how wonderful I think my photographs are - hopefully they speak for themselves, my aim is to entertain and inspire. If I can fire your imagination, whet your... more
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Martin Billings



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Martin Billings

about Martin Billings


It isn't about saying how wonderful I think my photographs are - hopefully they speak for themselves, my aim is to entertain and inspire. If I can fire your imagination, whet your appetite and keep your attention drawn to my collection of pictures for a few seconds then I have succeeded.

Doing photographic things purposefully is my reward. Tenacity runs alongside creativity in my photographic world. A keen sharp-eyed approach fosters sensual, evocative and thought provoking images. A wicked and irreverent handling of a subject can often bring a wry smile to a spectator - for me a result. And with models on set I watch them carefully, what you mistook for vacancy is in fact passion; a carefully directed emotion surrendered and captured in a moment.

If I have a style, I am not aware of it. A thematic perspective is never far away while I shake off constraints of convention I never flinch from breaking rules and custom. In making photographs I'm absorbed with the completeness of the process, the surroundings and subject, merely fulfilling a role of exposing the experience.

Art nude photography is also part of my photographic passion, and by way of definition and explanation these words of Michelangelo resonate well. "What spirit is so empty and blind, that it cannot recognise the fact that the foot is more noble than the shoe, and skin more beautiful than the garment with which it is clothed". If anyone visiting this site is offended by nakedness, you should leave now. But please tell your friends and anyone else you know who appreciates photography.
Art is subjective. You're not supposed to like everything yet if you do - that's OK.


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  • Many thanks Martin for your kind words..Keep up your lovely work.All the best

  • Welcome and thanks for following me. Always loved that set of work with Alex.

  • Lovely work! Welcome aboard. We'll get your location fixed up soon. Don't hesitate to reach out if we can help with anything.