about Majo
Mixing expressions and fun. Enjoying the shooting atmosphere on set. Always trying capture emotions. Let the models express themselves.
I love to escape in to my imaginations.
IG : art_by_majo_de_zweng
What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!
Thank you very much for your comment !
Very strong (beautiful) selection of imagery here. Even with the most simple props (which is in itself a masterful feat) elegance and beauty shine through,
Thank you very much !
Gorgeous portfolio- such expression!
Many thanks for adding the image. I hope all is well.
You welcome .
Everything perfect 👌
Stunning art work
Thanks a lot for your apprecation !
Thank you for adding me to your gallery collection. Your work is a breath of fresh air. Your mental pallet is very colorful. Gorgeous!
Thanks for adding an image ! ;-)
You welcome ! You have a beautiful work .
Beautiful work...thank you for following me.
My pleasure !
You have such a beautiful portfolio.
Thanks a lot for apprecation !
Thank you for the add. Great works.
With pleasure !
Thank you for following my work!
My pleasure !
You have beautiful work
Thanks for apprecation 🙏
Ďakujem za pridanie mojej fotky do galérie
With pleasure 🍀