Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Model Citizen
If ever you are traveling or working in the Washington DC area, we (Nataliya Natta and I) host traveling models for a little time shooting. I have many references of models that... more
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Magicc Imagery



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Magicc Imagery Model Citizen

about Magicc Imagery


If ever you are traveling or working in the Washington DC area, we (Nataliya Natta and I) host traveling models for a little time shooting.
I have many references of models that have stayed with us that can be provided upon request.
I can also provide pictures of the private studio/model quarters room in or house which can also be used for shooting if desired.
We have easy access to the DC metro and are located about an hour from Studios in Northern Virginia, Baltimore, anywhere in the DC and Maryland areas.

We would love to make your time in the DC area comfortable safe and relaxing.

Art – the perception or vision, through one’s soul, of their universe put forth for others to sense (touch, feel, emote, taste, embrace)

Now for the explanation –

If you think about what a person is. The physical manifestation of small pieces of the universe gathered together in a random order. We are that and the combination of our experience (Memory). We are always evolving who we are as individuals based on those factors. The really wild mix in this is that we like things based upon that which we can’t explain. That’s what I call the God effect. Why does one person like something and another find it offensive? Why do we decide one way or another? Because it feels right? Because we think that it’s the right thing to do? Honestly – I really don’t know why I will do something different with the same situation at 2 different times. There is something unexplainable inside us. That thing that drives us. Makes us worth it all.

So I am this little thing in the universe – I have my own way of doing things and looking at things and way that I like to be. I have my own perception of my little universe and who I am. Much of it similar to many other people and a good bit of it that only a few people can identify with. I strive to connect with people …. Try and let them see what I see. Walk in my shoes. That way I don’t feel so alone and desolate. I feel like I am part of the universe

Photographers – Thank you for all the inspiration that you have given me on this site. This is the place to be and it is only going to get better (its already my home).


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  • Thanks a lot for following!

  • Thanks for the follow!

  • woah oh, oh, it's magic, indeed! Stunning art, captivating emotion behind it & well thought out description to wrap it all up into a package of empowerment.

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • Beautiful portfolio! Great work!

  • Really beautiful work! Thank you for appreciating and your follow.

  • Fantastic portfolio and your short essay on being a part of the universe really impressed me. I too have written about deep subject matters. It's good for the mind and the soul.

  • What a mind-blowing portfolio! I hope you don't mind if I use some of these stunning images to base my drawings on.

  • Greatly admire your work my friend: technical mastery from studio to location to out in nature with such an eye for composition and bringing out the beauty of the female form. Such a pleasure to browse your amazing portfolio.

    • Thank you so very much for the kind words of encouragement. I am in such awe of your style and presence and find your work so very inspiring.

  • Amazing work.

  • Been following your work for sometime and seeing your picture window shots with models I have worked with. I have been doing media for over 40 years and I couldn't find a mediocre shot in over 500. I was tempted to make a gallery of only your shots but just too many. You have inspired me to put more of my Nude shots up. Keep them coming!!

  • Really love your portfolio will have,ore of a look later! Thanks for following me!

  • I had a wonderful time shooting with Scott and look forward to shooting together again soon!! Thanks again for the hosting as well!! Definitely will recommend you guys to any model coming through DC area.

  • Beautiful work

  • Now this is art... wow!

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