Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Model Citizen
“Mostly only naked women are photographed in the most brain-cracked environments…” – Dejan Radojevic Long-time photographer, specializing in fine art nudes. Always looking for new... more
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M59Photography Model Citizen

about M59Photography


“Mostly only naked women are photographed in the most brain-cracked environments…”
– Dejan Radojevic

Long-time photographer, specializing in fine art nudes. Always looking for new people to work with and for ways to improve my work.


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  • MAJOR changes afoot in these parts. They'll happen like bankruptcy...gradually, then rapidly. Stay tuned...but don't expect much new work to appear here in the next couple of months, even though I'm still shooting.

  • I very much love your works !

  • New work up today. Enjoy!

  • Strong work! You've worked with some of the modeling greats! Love seeing how your style has evolved over time.

  • New work up tonight from my shoot with the fabulous Bexxii. Enjoy!

  • Great work you have. So much energy!

  • Greatly appreciated comment. Most shoots tend to be improvised so I often am not sure what will happen on a given day.

  • Interesting portfolio for sure. only real thing that irritates me is your logo in every photo. It takes away impact for me. But that's just me.

    • Probably don't need it here as you can't right click...but in the rest of the world I like to give the bots scraping the web for AI fodder something to choke on.

  • New work up today. Hope you like it!

  • New work up tonight. Hope you like it.

  • Anybody like an image of mine enough to buy a print? If so, message me here. Printing limited, open editions of my work now.

  • So, 2023 was a weird year. It was like being in a band that spent the entire year in the studio, making a bunch of recordings…and never getting around to producing the damned album. So, while I was shooting…I wasn’t editing anything. (It didn’t help that I was COMPLETELY dissatisfied with my editing process, and looking for ways to improve it.) Well, tonight the album drops. (Not all at once, as I’m going to pause to eat dinner and watch Jeopardy!) An entire year of shooting boiled down to the images I’m uploading tonight. Enjoy!
    (And yes, I know there are a couple of images dropping tonight from 2022. Sue me. Go ahead, I dare ya. You won’t find it worth your while! 😊)

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • For the first time in ever, I can now be referred to as a "model citizen". :)

  • Diverse portfolio with some very interesting imagery that really transcends an era or time in which they were created. Some classic some warm and soft, very nice all the way around.

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