about ltbaphotography
Mind you though I work very seldom in Switzerland, I am mostly abroad
Apart working Commercialy I do a lot shootings for my own work.
Commercial shootings are based Portraits, Fashion, body parts, nudeart, boudoir, lingerie, swimwear, architectural photography for Hotels and house owners.
Although photographing both in color and B&W for commercial work.
For my own work I love B&W and use very little touch up correction. NO PHOTOSHOP at all (again old school)
Today I am 62 years old. I have started photography at the age of fourteen with a camera I have received from my parents, at the age of fifteen I had my own dark room where I have started to develop black-and-white 135mm films. As you can imagine I belong to Analog photography generation.
In the early days I shot Landscape and Street photography, but soon I have realized that my passion is People photography, especially women.
I find women very fascinating, regardless their age, body shape, the looks, race etc.
In my very early twenties while studying at Kunstgewerbeschule in Zurich, I switch to People photography.
I shoot on natural light. Indoors as well as Outdoors.
In addition during my travel for my shootings if time permits I love to walk around the City and shoot Cityscapes.
It did not take me long to realise that if you are not among the top hundred photographers of the world and have great connections in the fashion industry, no way to earn money. Especially coming from Switzerland where these issues are neglected.
So parallel to photography I started my career in the Aviation industry. It was a great opportunity for me to do what I love, travel and photography and climb up the success stairs in my job.
I ended up my employment carrier in 2004 as a high management member and started my own business, this gave me even more freedom. In other words I can not complain.
My photos were published by number of international magazines, which is very honoring.
nevertheless I shall start my own publishing very soon
I hope you all will enjoy my pictures as well.
Thanking you sincerely for taking your time checking out my page and reading my biography.
Best Wishes
Such a stunning portfolio. Really beautiful work!
Thank you very much :)
Welcome to Model Society! You have a beautiful portfolio that I enjoyed viewing. I want to encourage you to stay inspired and keep creating. The world is a much better place with art!
Best Regards, Tim :)
Thank you so much, Still doing my very best after 40 years.. Best wishes
Amazing portfolio! I will soon organize a photographic trip to Switzerland, write to me if you are interested 😊
Welcome to Model Society! You have a gorgeous portfolio. Can't wait to see what else you create here with the community :) Let us know if there's anything we can to do help along the way.
Thank you very much, most kind
Your b&w's are "old school" indeed but reward contemplation to appreciate the beauty of your models and how2 you pose and compose them. I hope you will share more!
Hi There,
First of all thank you very much for your kind words.
I do share as much as I can.
Hope you are enjoying them.
Best wishes